Chapter 6.

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Ella’s POV.

Chelsea had explained all about feeling like Liam was using her. He’d only speak to her when he was upset or feeling alone and that she never meant to hurt me after realising how nice I was. Me, nice? There’s a sentence I never thought would go together. We laughed it off and ordered our drinks when I got a text from Liam to say that we were all meeting for Lunch. I looked back at everything that’s happened this holiday and that’s not what I wanted. I wanted a fun, relaxing holiday to spend it with my mates so I decided to forget the whole thing. The guys arrived with Liam looking petrified, it was rather funny

“right, so shall we go and sit down?” I asked everyone as they all made their way to the table.

“I think im going to head off, I need to go meet my friends ready for the boat party” Chelsea smiled before hugging me and walking out the door. Liam gazed at me waiting for one of my sly remarks or nasty lectures but instead I threw him a smile and walked with him to the table.

Food was delicious, we had all ordered different foods from around the world, and me being the female version of Niall Horan I made sure I tried what everyone else ordered.

“Ella how do you manage to eat so much, yet have a stick thin figure” Zayn questioned looking me up and down. I smirked while scoffing samosas,

“I work out a lot” I laughed with my mouth full.

After food we all thanked the waiter and headed towards the shops, I needed some new glasses and to wander around the streets of Ibiza. Everyone insisted of joining me which I sort of liked, I didn’t feel left out on this holiday anymore. Me and Summer were terrible for shopping and as her Dad owned the biggest shopping chain in the UK she had an unlimited credit card. 

“ooooh shoes, ooooh bags, oooooh sun glasses” she kept repeating walking past every shop, I giggled and followed behind trying to spot the perfect glasses.

Liam’s POV.

Ella seemed to be cool about the whole thing? It caught me off guard as I wasn’t expecting this, I didn’t deserve it. I hung back from the rest of the group with Louis, he was his usual self checking out the girls and I couldn’t help but laugh at the fact he was getting no where. 

“Whats wrong with me man, im good looking right?” Louis stopped walking and making me check him out, time for some bromance.

“Louis your beautiful, your like the wind beneath my feet babe” I laughed picking him up and twirling him around, this caused pedestrians to stop walking and look in our direction as they watched me twirl Louis around and call him beautiful.

“You guys look like your having fun” It was Ella, I quickly straightened up and dropped Louis.

“Cheers man, thanks for the safe landing” Louis laughed realising the tension between me and Ella,

“OK OK the shows over guys….oh hey girls” Louis winked before walking off in their direction leaving me and Ella alone. 

“im sorry ill go catch the rest up” I spat out not wanting to make a scene.

“No stay, please I could do with company seeing as the others are going way to fast” she smiled, wow she wasn’t mad? She was being dead sweet, which made me feel even more guilty.

We walked around the shops decided what Sun glasses Ella wanted, she made is specific that they had to stand out no matter what the price was. We both picked up different types and tried them on in front of the mirror, causing us both to look at each other and collapse in hysterics. We spent the next hour laughing and mocking each others style, before Ella decided on the ones she wanted, I offered to pay as an apology but she wouldn’t let me. I grabbed her bags for her and we headed back towards the others, who were at the ice cream parlour, Niall’s idea surprisingly. We had to sit on our own table next to them as theirs had no room.

Ella’s POV.

So far so good, my plan was to just forget about everything, to not let him get me down anymore to just forget everything, he seems confused by my approach which I find rather funny. We sat down in the ice cream parlour on a table for 2.

“What do you want to order” Liam asked holding his gaze at me. 

“just a strawberry sorbet, please” I smiled.

Half hour passed and we were all chit chatting about what we all did, how the band was going, our plans for the rest of the holidays. It was great meeting new people and even though me and Liam couldn’t see eye to eye, I was happy the rest could. We decided to head back to the hotel and get ready before the boat party tonight. It was exciting to say the least.

Once we got back we all decided to have a girly fit and throw everything we packed onto our beds. We all decided on a bikini top each and then denim shorts, it was nice that we sort of matched. I decided on wearing my gold beaded bikini top that stood out against my olive colour skin and dark hair. I straightened my hair this time and let it fall smoothly down to my waist, we grabbed our purses and headed down to the harbour before setting off to the island on the boat. It was a beautiful night and the sun was just setting.

“I think Harry is going to ask me out tonight” Summer said ecstatically. They’d been texting constant and always talking on the balcony I was happy for her, Harry was a sweet boy and has been looking out for her our whole time in Ibiza. 

Once on the boat, me and Chloe headed to the bar to get some shots, we carried the tray over to the stools and made a toast,

“To friendship that will always last”. we drank the shots and joined everyone in dancing along to the beat. We reached the Island in 5 minutes, most people got off and began setting up the BBQ and the fire along with music speakers and opening the bar that was there. It was great, I have never experienced anything like this before. We hadn’t seen the boys yet, and I was glad, I didn’t need the hassle of worrying who I was talking to and my plan of forgetting was working. We stayed on the boat though and as it was still hot some people even jumped off and began swimming in the sea. 

We sat at the bar drinking our cocktails when we heard a cough behind us. Yes you guessed correctly. The boys.

“May we have this dance” we turned around and it shocked me to see only 4 of them. The one missing was Liam. It shouldn’t bother me, he probably didn’t want to come, but it did bother me. I told the girls to go enjoy themselves I was going to wonder around and finish drinking my cocktails.

(1)new message from Liam:

Enjoy tonight, you deserve it. -Lx

Ah he always manages to worm himself back into my head. Before I came on this holiday, I was stuck up, didn’t believe in love at all. And now I’m getting these feelings for Liam and its stupid because I’ve known him 5 minutes. I finished my cocktail and headed over the far side of the boat to find the toilets. Surprisingly they were really hard to find. In the end I asked the bar man, funnily enough they were right in front of me. I locked the door of the cubicle when the door slammed open and a load of girl voices came rushing in, they sounded drunk.

“Can you believe it” one asked sounding all giddy.

“I know, out of everyone Liam Payne asked me” the other one answered, that got me listening. 

“What did he say exactly?” another questioned.

“I looked breathtaking and he couldn’t wait to take me home tonight” she giggled. I’d heard enough, I flushed the chain pushed past them to get to the sink and walked out before crashing into what felt like a wall. 

“im so sorry miss” the familiar voice squeezed out, I looked up to the none other that Liam Payne. I rejected his hand offering to pick me up and hurried to my feet, barging past him and continuing to walk back over to the girls.

“Ella wait, I didn’t realise it was you why are you running” damn he’d caught up with me. I took a deep breath in and tried to make my way past him. 

“what the fuck have I done wrong now” he hissed through gritted teeth.

“Liam, were from two different worlds, go your way and ill go mine” wow were did the calm Ella come from?


Hi guys, sorry if this is a bit short, exciting scenes coming up in the next few chapters though :) new to wattpad so comments and Votes would be very much appreciated. thanks :)

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