The Past (Prologue)

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3rd POV (Picture above is what Onaji's wolf form looks like)

The little wolf has never traveled this far from home, although she could still smell her own territory, and her father's scent. As she sticks her head through a tall hedge, she sees a very fancy garden, and beyond that a huge house, the biggest she's ever seen. 6 year old Onaji wags her little tail happily, her ears perked up. As she looks up, she sees someone exit the house, heading to the garden, right towards her! She pulls her head back through the bush, but listens closely.

"I'll never be good for him!" A small voice cries out. Hesitantly, Onaji pokes her head back through to see a small boy, around her age, sitting on a stone bench, tears brimming his eyes as he clenches his fists. 

"Yuuichi-Kun and Akito-Kun will always be ahead of me... they'll take over the Ootori line.." The small boy whispers, tears falling down his cheek. "I'll only ever be third.." 

After a moment's silence, the boy furiously rubs the tears away, making his glasses go askew. "N-no! An Ootori does not cry!" He shouts, sniffling and standing up. "I'll show him, father will know. I'll be the best I can be!" He exclaims, his demeanor brightening up. Onaji was almost falling out of the hedge, her curiosity was overcoming her. 

Suddenly the young boy looks over and sees her. "A.. a wolf? What's a wolf doing here?" He asks quietly, taking a step closer to the hedge.  Onaji, frightened, goes back through the hedge. "No! Come back, please?"

Hesitantly, she comes back through the bush, looking up at the boy. He laughs quietly, holding his hand out for the little wolf to smell. "Hi.. i'm Kyoya..."

You see, Onaji can speak as a wolf, but Kyoya wouldn't be able to understand her. And she wouldn't dare transform in front of him! He could try and capture her.. like her mother... So, Onaji just barked playfully, feeling the urge to cheer up this Kyoya person. And she did just that, her and Kyoya played together for some time, rolling and tumbling in the grass.

"Onaji!" A deep voice calls out, whistling. The wolf stops, causing her to be knocked over by Kyoya. "Onaji! Come here!" 

Kyoya looks to the wolf, his expression saddening. "Is that you? Onaji?" 

She nods and licks his cheek lovingly before heading back to the bush. "Come back and visit, won't you?" He asks, a pleading look in his eyes. With a simple nod, she disappears through the bush, going towards her father's voice.

8 year time skip (Onaji's 14)

Onaji runs through the woods, her body sleek and strong. Her shiny black coat and blue eyes bright. Her two tails were wagging happily, she just got the second recently and she's so proud, her father already has 4... Coming to a halt in front of the hedge, she slowly sticks her head in, looking for Kyoya.

"All clear Onaji." His voice says, making her smile. She goes through the hedge to see him still in his middle school uniform. She goes over and sits down next to the bench he's sitting at, a small notebook in hand.

"You'll never guess who I met today." Kyoya states, and begins telling the wolf his day, explaining that a buoyant blonde was saying that they are the best of friends.

All too soon, Onaji's father calls her name. Kyoya scratches her behind the ears. "Our vists have been getting shorter.." He sighs and stands up, heading back to his mansion while Onaji goes back through the hedge, heading home...

Hey guys XD I decided to start a new story, don't worry i'm still writing The Twin's Triplet, i just have writers block right now, so I decided to start this one. Starting a story with Onaji has been in my mind for a couple months now, and I finally decided to try it out. Tell me what you think~!

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