Birthday Memories

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Before you start this chapter I just want to personally apologize for not updating in so long! It is entirely my fault, because i'm a super lazy person and am really good at procrastinating, and it's such a pain in the ass, honestly i'm just as mad as you guys are. I'm so so so sorry that it's taken me this long to update Onaji's story, but I've finally done it! Thank you guys so much for being so patient <3 and I hope you enjoy the chapter

"Let's go, let's go, let's go~!" I shout enthusiastically as I run between Kisumi's legs. We were going to the Hitachiin Beach Villa for my birthday, and I had to stay behind because the Host Club wanted to surprise me with something, so Kisumi stayed with. But now~ it was time to go.

I run through the woods, basically making Kisumi transform and chase after me to keep up. Plowing through the hedge, I see the limousine parked up front. Giving a bark of excitement I do a little doggy dance and Kisumi jogs up, carrying our bags. I dive into the limo as Kis talks with Kyoya. I think I overheard the hosts saying earlier that Kyoya's gonna stay behind. I was fine with it, sense his persona kinda scared me.

Finally we start driving, and I instantly complain how long the drive is. Turns out, the drive is almost 8 hours! By the time we get there it's already 3pm, and I was antsy and unable to sit still. Darting out of the car, still in my wolf form I run to the beach villa, where the hosts were standing outside waiting for us. Just before I get to them, I transform and jump into Hikaru's arms, laughing. 

"I can't believe you made me wait so long! This surprise better be worth it."

"Of course it will be my flower~" Tamaki coos as Hikaru sets me back down.

I head to the front door, a pep to my step but Mori stops me. "Nani?" I question, looking up at him.

"We have your surprise to take you to first, silly~" Huni giggles, grabbing my hand and pulling me away from the door. Smiling, I follow him with my tails wagging. 

"Where are we going~?" I ask excitedly, walking with all of the hosts.

"You'll see."

"Be patient." Hikaru and Kaoru say, giving me identical grins.

I pout, but that just makes Tamaki hug me and twirl me around. "You'll love it Onaji! I thought of it myself~" He says proudly.

"Kis do you know what it is?" 

"I have an idea." He smiles at me, ruffling my hair. Sighing, I walk with them into town, questioning them the whole way. 

"Alright Ona-Senpai, we're here." Haruhi says, stopping me from continuing walking down the street. I look at the building we stopped at to see a beauty salon.

"We're getting pedicures~" The twins sing, putting their arms around my shoulders.

"Pedicures? Isn't that where they paint your toes?" I question, looking down at my feet and wiggling my toes.

"Yup~ Let's go!" Huni smiles widely, pushing all of us into the salon. Obviously, they must've called ahead because there were eight empty chairs for all of us to sit in and the workers were all ready.

"I'll just sit back and watch." Kisumi takes a step back, but the twins grab his hands.

"We must get the full commoner experience out of it men! So we're all getting pedicures~" Tamaki announces dramatically, gracefully sitting in a salon chair. I squeeze in next to Haruhi, Hikaru sitting on my other side.

After many color options and boys complaining later, we all walk out of the salon with our nails painted in various shades of pinks, reds, and blues. Hikaru, Kaoru, and I all got midnight blue nails, and we're making fun of Kisumi for choosing blood red. 

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