The Lab

364 13 6

Onaji's POV

It's so dark. . . Where. . where am I? What happened . . . My body feels like it's been beaten senseless and I can feel the blood pounding in my ears. I'm in my wolf form.. and i'm lying on something hard. Metal maybe? Forcing my eyes to open, I blink rapidly. Two emerald eyes were gazing into mine. Everything's blurry.

"Finally, you're awake." The eyes speak, and my eyes drift close again. "No no no, don't pass out again!" He whines, nudging my shoulder.

"Kisumi.. leave me alone." I mumble, tucking my snout under my leg.

"Kisumi? Sorry Lass, but i'm not him." This makes me sit up. A little too quickly. Pain rushes to my head and it feels like my mind is going to explode. Groaning, I put my paws over my head to dull the pain. "Woah there girly, take it slow." He whispers soothingly. Taking his advice, I sit up slowly, finally taking in my surroundings. I was in a metal cage, cement floor and dim fluorescent lights is the only light there is. Looking up, I see a milky brown wolf. His fur was mangy and you could count each one of his ribs. 

"Who.. who are you?" I ask slowly, rubbing my temples to try and ease the pain.

He bows before me, looking up at me with a charming smirk. "4021 at your service m'lady. But you can call me Niko.

"4021? M'lady?

"It's the number I was given when I was captured. If I remember right, you're 4381. Check your barcode." He asks, pointing to my back left leg. I look back, but don't see anything. I give him a confused look. "Transform."

I do as said, and sure enough, there's a barcode tattooed to my left thigh, with the numbers 4831 underneath it. It had to've been recent, because the pain there was also evident, and the skin around it was a dark irritated red. 

"May I ask your name?" Niko questions, and I look at him to see he's transformed as well. His butterscotch hair was matted, and he was only wearing tattered jeans. His upper body had multiple tattoos, and I could still count his ribs, and scars.

"O-onaji." I utter, becoming worried for Niko's health. "Are you alright? When was the last time you had a proper meal?" 

"About a year ago." He waves his hand as if it was nothing, his expression turning excited. "Onaji? So you're the Onaji the Old Man has been going on about for the past year?" Niko wolf whistles, going to the door of our cell and calls down the hall. "Old Man~ I have her!"

"Niko shut your trap. Don't attract Ario." A male voice snaps, and I can see Niko's body shrink in size. He transforms and continues to speak. I transform too, wanting to know who he's talking about.

"Hitch finally caught her. Wanna talk with her~?" He asks, and I'm only getting more confused.

"Stop playing games Niko. That's not funny."

"Papa..?" I ask quietly, looking down the cement corridor. A head forces itself through the metal bars of the cells and looks down to me.

"Onaji..." He smiles, and I feel tears well in my eyes.

"Papa! Does.. does this mean i'm at the Inugami Laboratory?" I ask, fear suddenly sinking in. I notice in the darkness how Father's eyes are dark and hollow, and I can see the hollowness of his cheekbones too.

"Yes.." Papa says, sadness lacing his features. "Damn Kyoya. I thought he'd protect you?"

"H-he was! I don't even remember how I got here... it couldn't've been him." I frown, trying to rack my brain for memories.

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