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The Sledding Trip

*Aubrey's P.O.V.*

It was a cold and windy day. My friends and I were getting ready to go sledding, as it had been snowing the previous day.

"Aubrey! We're gonna be late!" shouted my best friend Kaitlyn. She's always rushing me.

"How can we be late to go sledding? It's not like the hill is going anywhere!" I joked.

"Yeah, but the snow can melt," recalled our friend Tucker as he walked in.

"Let's quit being smart with each other and get out of here!" I suggested. The other's agreed so I packed my sledding gear and some snacks and we headed off!

"How long until we get there? I'm bored," complained Tucker. "Can we turn on some Big Time Rush?" Kaitlyn excitedly asked.

"Yeah! Great suggestion, Kaitlyn!" I said as I cheered her on.

Kaitlyn joked, "Oh you know us. We just 'Gotta Live It Big Time'!"

"That's so true!" I shouted. As we came to a red light and stopped, I looked back at Tucker. Kaitlyn and I were always talking about Big Time rush, and he hated it! Sometimes I don't even know why we're friends. He gave me an ignoring look, then deepened it when Kaitlyn reached over and turned on Big Time Rush. The rest of the way Kaitlyn drove, and we both sang along to the music. We were both 18, as Tanner was 15, but turning 16 in a few weeks, so we had to give him a ride still. The song "Windows Down" came on, and we both slipped our sunglasses on.

We got so lost in the song, that I was surprized when Tucker shouted, "We're here!" and I jumped. He scared me!

"Let's go!" Kaitlyn shouted.

Tucker argued, "Me first!"

"Guys, stop bickering!" I shouted, "We can all go!" Immediately Tucker and Kaitlyn looked at each other and yelled, "Race you to the top!" at each other. I trudged up after them after getting my supplies out and locking the car. Today was going to be a great day!

"WHOOOOOOHOOOO!" shouted Tucker, as he and Kaitlyn raced down. I was planning on going to the top of the hill, eating a snack, then sledding down. When I finally reached the top of the hill, I plopped my sled down on to the snowy hill, and sat on it. Once I was settled, I enjoyed some sunchips and Gatorade. when I finished my snack, I sat on my sled and started going down the hill. I met Tucker and Kaitlyn at the bottom, and we started going up again. We had decided to head over to the other side, where there was an even bigger hill. It had to have been 75 feet tall! When we were about to sit on our sleds, Tucker gave me a big shove and I went flying, face first, down the hill!

"Have fun on your trip, Aubrey! You'll never get home now!" smirked Tucker. He walked away laughing, as I was tumbling down the hill. Kaitlyn just stood there in disbelief and shock.

"AUBREY!!!!! CAN YOU HEAR ME?!" she shouted

"YE-" I started to shout back. My vision started to fade, then I blacked out. I thought he was my friend!

A dream come true ~A James Maslow Story~Where stories live. Discover now