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Big Time Picnic

*Aubrey's P.O.V.*

I sat down on the blanket. "What is there to eat?" I asked.

"See for yourself. All of the food was prepared by Kendall and I, Carlos set up the blankets, and Logan put out the plates and brought out the food. I'm so glad they helped out." said James. I opened the picnic basket. There were turkey sandwhiches, my favorite, cheese and crackers, and something wrapped up that I thought was desert. James took everything out. He set a turkey sandwhich on my plate, and one on his. Then he layed crackers out on the rim of a giant plate in the middle of us and put cheese cubes in the middle of the plate. Then I noticed this crocpot boiling something and James said it was for desert. Then he put out a mixing bowl that was wrapped up with tin foil so I couldn't see what was in there. It went with the desert. Then I started eating. when we were done, he showed me the desert, we were having strawberries dipped in chocolate! James picked up a strawberry, dipped it in the chocolate, and fed it to me! He is so sweet! It was pretty late by the time we were done eating. James and I layed down, he pulled me close to him. He cuddled me close to him and I layed my head on his chest. He sang "Cover Girl" softly to me and I fell asleep to that, and his heartbeat.

*James' P.O.V.*

Aubrey fell asleep so I picked her up and saw Kendall coming down.

"NEED ANY HELP TAKING THAT STUFF UP?!" he shouted, causing Aubrey to wake up.

"Yeah, but you just woke Aubrey up. Nice going," I said in a sarcastic tone, "Sorry Aubrey," I apologized to her.

"Oh, sorry," Kendall apologised to us. I carried her into her room, and started walking out.

"Wait," said Aubrey.

"Yeah?" I asked.

*Aubrey's P.O.V.*

"My friends Ellie Kujawa and Caroline Groll are huge fans as well. Can they come over tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, where do they live?" James asked.

"They live in Michigan, but came out to LA on vacation. I'll call them and invite them over." I replied.

"Okay. Sounds good," said James, "Oh, Aubrey?"

"Yeah?" I asked

"I had a great time today," he said.

"I had a great time too. Thanks for all of that great food. So does this mean we're dating now?" I asked.

"Only if you want to," James replied.

"Why wouldn't I? Of course I want to!" I exclaimed.

"Great! Now there's just one thing missing," said James. He started leaning in, and my mind was racing. Our lips met and I felt sparks. We kissed for about a minute, then he pulled away. I smiled.

"I'm gonna call Ellie and Caroline now," I said.

"Good idea," James replied. He left the room and I called Ellie first.

A: Hey

E: Why are you calling so late at night? It's 12:30!

A: Sorry, but I thought you'd like to know how I met Big Time Rush.

E: WHAT?! TELL ME!!!!!

A: I am. Well you know how Kaitlyn, Tucker and I went sledding?

E: Yeah.

A: Well Tucker poshed me down that 75 ft tall hill and I went unconsious. I woke up in James' arms!

E: OMG!!!!!

A: I didn't get to the best part. Kaitlyn and I are staying at their beach house for the week and then I'm gonna live at James' parent's house and Kaitlyn is living at Kendall's parent's house in his brother's old room. Oh, and I just got back from a date with James!

E: OMG!!!!!

A: Am I on speaker?

E: Yeah, I'm with Caroline.

A: Perfect! I wanted to know if you two would like to stay with us. You'd have to stay in my room though

E: OMG yes!

C: YA!!!!!

A: Haha. I'll send you the address. C u then!

E: Bye!

C: Bye!

A dream come true ~A James Maslow Story~Where stories live. Discover now