t h i r t e e n

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*Aubrey's P.O.V.*

The man under the hood was Tucker! I tried to think of a way to get out of this, but if I shouted for help Tucker would know I was still conscious and he'd finish me off. As I was trying to think of something, I felt a lump in my pocket. My phone! Of course! I pulled it out, trying not to move much, and pulled up my conversation with James. I knew I had to make it quick, before Tucker noticed. My side hurt really bad. I looked over and saw there was a huge bright red mark.

"Tucker... Outside... Help" is what I texted James. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and pretended I was unconscious. I heard the front door swing open and something continuously hitting something else. I squinted my eyes open just a bit to see James standing with the frying pan he used to make the pancakes with in his hand and Tucker lying unconscious on the walkway.

James dropped the pan and rushed over to me. "Aubrey! Are you okay?!" he asked me, panicked.

I opened my mouth to talk but the pain in my side grew larger each time I tried. I managed to choke out, "He had a baseball bat," I paused, "and I think he broke one of my ribs."

James pulled out his phone and dialed 911. "Hello, I'd like to report an attempted break in," is what I heard James say into the phone. "Yes, the subject is outside of my house on the ground right now. I also need an ambulance. My girlfriend is injured."

The lady on the phone says a few more things and then they hang up.

"They'll be here any minute. Just stay calm, Aubrey. Everything will be okay," James assured me. I couldn't get up, the pain was too unbearable, so James went inside to get the girls and tell them the situation. Before I could react, I saw Tucker pull out a gun and shoot it. The bullet came in contact with my leg, and I let out a shriek of pain. In the chaos I managed to throw James' pan at him and hit his head. Tucker dropped back to the floor.

James rushed back out to help me just as the ambulances got there. They put me onto a stretcher and put me in one ambulance, while they did the same with Tucker. James, Ellie and Caroline weren't allowed to ride with me, since they weren't family, so James drove them to the hospital.

In the ambulance, they looked at my leg to see how bad the wound was, and put an I.V. into my arm. I hated I.Vs. They hurt so much more than regular needles, which I already hate. The adrenaline was rushing through my veins so much that I didn't even feel the pain in my leg.

A few minutes later, we were at the hospital, and nurses were flooding into the ambulance to help roll me in. Once I was settled, they started their work. First, they took the bullet out and stitched up the wound, which only took about 3 minutes, and then they x-rayed my ribs. They told me that one of my ribs was in fact broken, so they wrapped it up. They wheeled me into my room and there waiting for me was Ellie, Caroline, and a very nervous James.

"Oh thank god you're okay!" shouted Ellie. Her and Caroline came up and hugged me, careful of my broken rib. Once they let go I looked up to see a crying James sitting in one of the chairs, with bloodshot eyes and a red and runny nose. The nurse told them the situation, then left.

"We'll give you guys some space," said Caroline, as they walked out of the door. Once the door was shut, James stood up and walked over to my hospital bed. He reached down and hugged me, soaking my hair in his tears. I hugged him back tightly, not having a care in the world about my rib. He pulled away and let out a sniffle.

"I'm sorry you have to see me like this," he paused, " I was just so worried."

"I know James. I don't know how he found the place either," I said.

"We won't have to worry about that," he assured me, pressing his lips to my forehead. I then buried my head into the crook of his neck and he rested his head on top of mine. We had just stayed like that for a while, until the doctor came in.

"Sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to let you know you will be released in two days. Also, a police officer will be here soon to ask you a few questions about Tucker and decide what will happen to him," he stated

"O-Okay" I stuttered. James squeezed my hand reassuringly and I nodded.

"Also, the bullet wound wasn't too bad, the bullet didn't hit the bone, only hit the skin. We stitched it up, and you'll need to come back in a month to get the stitches removed," the doctor informed me, all to quickly. It took me a minute to understand everything he said, but once I did I nodded, and he walked out.

A dream come true ~A James Maslow Story~Where stories live. Discover now