You're Alright Short Story

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(y/n)'s POV

Neymar hasn't been home all day. I am worried about him. I have left him voice mails and called him many times. He still hasn't answered me.  This is the time where you get worried about who you care about.  I texted him asking if he was ok.  He didn't even read it.  I began to bit my nails and pace back in forth in my house.  I continued to bite my nails.  I pulled my hair into a messy bun and thought maybe he has no signal.  Maybe he is just having fun without me. Just maybe, I thought of everything negative too. Maybe he is hurt and not answering. Maybe someone has him. I can't think like that.  Come on (y/n). You can't think about that. I decided to text Rafaella, Neymar's sister.  

(y/n): Rafaella? 

R: (y/n). I have a question.  

(y/n): Me too! 

R: You first.  

(y/n): Have you heard from Neymar? It's 1:30 in the morning and he isn't home. 

R: REALLY! i thought he was with you! I haven't heard anything from him!

I heard a hard knock on my door.  I put my phone down and heard the phone ring. I looked at the phone and answered it, "Hello??" All I heard was breathing through the phone.  The person hung up. I grabbed my phone and dialed 911.  They were answering. The lights were out as I looked around slowly.  I got a text from my phone.  It was Rafaella.  

R: Are you ok? You haven't texted back.  

(y/n): No.. The lights went out at my house.  

R: It's probably just the power silly girl.  Don't worry. Probably a squirrel ate the wire ;).  

I heard a bam on my door again. I texted Rafaella saying I think there is someone at my door. 


Rafaella's POV

(y/n) could be in trouble and Neymar isn't there.  I dialed his number as it went straight to voicemail.  Damn it.  Who could Neymar be with? Gil or Jo.  I dialed Gil's number first.  He answered, "Hello?"  I began to breath heavily, "Gil? Is Neymar with you?"  Gil signed through the phone, "No why?"  I signed, "Damn it.  (y/n). Could be in trouble at her house and Neymar isn't there!"  Gil yelled, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN HE'S NOT THERE!" Gil hung up.  

Wow thanks Gil great help.  Where could Neymar be!? I dialed his number again no answer.  I rolled my eyes the one time that (y/n) needs you and you aren't answering.  

(y/n)'s POV

I gulped as the knocking kept getting louder and louder. I went into the kitchen on my knees and crawled.  The knocking kept getting louder. I dialed 911 again.  They finally answered.  

Hello this is 911 what is your emergency? 

Hello. I think someone is trying to break into my house! 

Ok mam calm down what is your address? 

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Ok mam. No worries we will be there quickly hang on.  

The door kept getting knocking on louder and louder. I didn't want to yell out but I did.  I hid underneath the sink of my kitchen.  I heard the door blast open.  I was in a small cabinet.  I closed the cabinet. I opened the cabinet for a second to see a Spanish man with a black hoodie on with a tan bag grabbing some of my stuff. I coughed as he turned to me and grabbed me out of the cabinet. He grabbed my neck and almost choked me to death. I fell to the floor holding my neck.  He grabbed my neck again and slammed me against the kitchen cabinet I was hiding into.  

His deep voice began to talk, "YOU THINK I WASN'T GOING TO FIND YOU." He slammed me against the window when glass went into my arm.  I gulped down and gasped for air.  I heard someone unlocking the door.  The guy looked at me and he put his finger and whispered shhhh and not to tell anyone as he held a knife to the back of my leg.  It was Neymar, "(y/n). Are you alright?! I'm sorry I'm late." No Neymar I'm fine, I love a knife to the back of my leg.  Neymar tried to hug me and saw the glass in my arm, "(y/n) What the hell happened?"  

I shrugged, "I - I was trying to clean the dirt off the window but I broke the glass." Neymar hugged me with one hug, "I'm glad you're alright. We should probably get that fixed up." I felt the knife stab the back of my leg. I covered my mouth. Neymar looked at me with a confused face and saw the blood running down my leg.  He pulled me away as the guy grabbed me with a knife toward my throat. Neymar put his arms up, "I don't want any trouble. Please take me not her." I shook my head, "No. I deserve this. Please. Take me."  Neymar shook his head, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING (Y/N)!" I shook my head.  

The guy was about to stab my throat with the sharp knife he had.  Neymar ran up to him and tackled him and grabbed the knife, "LEAVE MY GIRLFRIEND ALONE!" The guy grabbed the knife again and stabbed me right in the chest. I fell right to the ground.  Neymar stabbed the guy right in the head with the knife.  He ran over to me as my blood was running onto his hands.  He began to cry, "(y/n), I - I don't know what to say. Please. Please stay.." I shook my head as blood was running onto his hand but he didn't care.  He pressed his warm soft lips upon mine.  He put his head into my stomach. The police finally got here.  

They placed me on a stretcher.  Neymar held my hand, "Don't worry.  God will be with you I promise."  I was losing so much blood. I closed my eyes.  

(y/n)! (y/n)!" Neymar continued to yell.  The police officer looked at the nurse and nodded and walked away.  Neymar looked at the police officer, "I'm sorry." He placed his hand on my shoulder and walked away. The nurse signed sadly, "I'm sorry sir. She is gone. We are terribly sorry." 

Neymar nodded, "It's my fault. I left her here alone. It could have been me. It could have been me dead."  

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Neymar many months after still wore the necklace that (y/n) gave to him.  It was a black heart necklace with a photo of together in it.  The official every game told Neymar to take it off but he always got a yellow card from it. But he didn't care. He didn't want anyone else. He loved (y/n).. 

True love... 

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