Chapter 1

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Hi my name is Ponyboy Curtis and I am a greaser. A greaser is somebody that is from the east part of town and we're blacked leather jackets and puts a lot of grease in our hair. The one things us greasers hate are soc. A Soc is a rich kid from the west side and they always were stripped shirts and always drove around in the mustangs and  corvettes. One thing they love to do is to jump a grease.

I was in high school. So I was walking home from school all by myself. That is bad to walk by yourself when your a grease because it's easier to get jumped then. But anyway I was on my way home when I noticed that a blue mustangs was on my tall for about 5 blocks. Then when I tuned a corner we're no body could see us.

All if the soc in the car jumped out. There must have been at least 6 guys. Before I could run I was pinned to the ground by there biggest man. By now I was screaming for one of my older bothers to maybe walk by and here me. I have 2 older brothers. The oldest was Darry, he was a star in high school, good grades and on the varsity football team. Ever since mom and dad died he had 2 jobs to get the money. My other brother, the middle one was named soda pop but we just call him soda. He's a drop out of high school and works at a gas station to help darry out.

Do I was hoping that one of them or the gang could here me when the soc bulled a switch blade on me. I was terrified then, and I don't get spooked very often. They were telling me nobody was coming and that they were going to cut my long hair. I didn't like the sound of both of those. When they started to put the knife to my wrist and draw something on it. I had lost it and went wiled with screams.

Then they went to my neck and said if I screamed again it wouldn't be carving anymore it would be stabbing. That's when I shut my mouth. One of the soc had had enough and just started to punch me non stop in the face.

The next thing I new was I was being helped up by Darry. And I could almost see the gang chasing of the soc but I couldn't tell. When soda got to me he was worried sick. He asked me if I was okay and to see it'll they had pulled a knife on me. I almost cried because I was really spooked and tuned my face so he wouldn't see me cry and said yes.

Then I showed him what they put on my wrist.  I didn't actually look at it when they were on me.  I didn't see what they put. But now I could see clearly what they put. Even if it was blood stained . It has the word "GRESER" put in all caps. I tried to see how deep it was. But I couldn't with my eyes watery like that. Soda told me in a real nice and calm voice that it was alright and that they weren't going to hurt me no more.  That made me calm down a little but what I really needed was a smoke to calm my nerves.

Soda and Darry had to help me home because I could not stand on my own. I guess I shouldn't be like this because be bud Johnny was jumped 10 times as worse than the condition I was in.  I didn't know why I was crying but for one thing I knew, was that I shouldn't.

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