Chapter 3

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The next day dally, Johny and me snuck into a drive in movie place. We all just slid under neath a hole in the fence. We went to go sit in the theater section because we didn't have cars to listen to it . Of corse we let dally pick our seats .

He chose to sit right behind a couple of socs girls . One was a red head and the other had brown hair . Dally kept on picking on the red head. We latter found out that her name was Cherry.  Me and Johny had to come in because  then we saw dally out his bags on cherry. We told him to stop. And you don't do that to dally. Johny was the one who told him that . And if it was anyone else, he would have beaten him up.

He got really angry and left after that. Cherry wanted us to come sit be them so we did . She told us there boyfriends had gotten drunk. And she can't stand them when there drunk.

After that we were walking to Two-Bits house because we were going to give them a ride back to there place. But then there'd boyfriends should up. They we trying to pick a fight with us. Two-bit had Brocken a bottle and given it to me and he had pulled out his 6" in switch blade .

But Cherry had broken it up before anything hung could happen. Me and Johny had ended up going to the lot and making a fire to keep us warm because that night. It was 50 degrees. I ended up falling asleep on Johny lap talking to him. And I knew that Darry was going to be pissed at me when I got home because I was supposed to be home by midnight.

I opened the gate to our house and I looked through the window to see if anybody was still awake. But of course there was Darry awake reading the news paper and soda was past our on the couch. When I walked in he said "where the hell have you been. Do you know what time it is. Well it's 2 o'clock in the morning kido."

I said "I fell asleep in the lot taking to Johny." I felt stupid saying that. Darry kept on nagging me and soda tried to get him to stop. Darry yelled at him and said "Hey! I'm tired of you sticking up for him, you here me!"

I had something in my mind burst. You just don't tell at soda. He stand up for to many people. And he is really sweet once you get to know him. But you just don't yell at him. I don't know what came over me but I yelled at he saying," Don't you yell at him." But as soon as I had finished my sentence Darry had raised his hand and hit me right in the face.

Nobody in my family had ever hit me, ever. I was then stricken with fear. I looked up at Darry with fear and he was in shock to. He was looking at his hand like it didn't belong to him. Then he looked at me. And saw the fear in my eyes. Soda just stood there. He didn't know if he should help or stay out of it. He just stood behind Darry.  Darry was still looking at me. And tried to take a step forward to me . But when he did, he scooted back a step .

He tried again and again to try to get closer to me. But he never did, by the time I was almost back to back with the wall I was in tease. Darry and soda new exactly why. They new I had never been hit by a family member. The house was quiet ever since he hit me. But Darry broke the silence by saying," Ponyboy I-I I'm sorry. I didn't mean to." When he said that I just went back to the argument we had. He said himself that he was tired of hearing " I didn't mean to " after that soda came over and tried to help me up .

But I wasn't taking it . As soon as I got up I  ran for it. Out the door . Ran like there was no tomorrow . I could here Darry yelling at me to get back here , but I just ignored him .I ran into Johny and I was walking . And trust me , running from that house, was the worst decision I ever made.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 19, 2016 ⏰

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