Chapter 2

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When Johny  got jumped, it was the worst out of all the gang. When he got jumped he was never the same. Never walked by himself and he always carried around a 6in switch blade. Just in case.

Me and Soda were heading home from the movies when we passed our lot. When we were walking by we happened to stumble upon Johny jean jacket he wears all of the time. When we picked it up it was drenched in blood.

Me and soda didn't know what to do. We just started running across the lot to see if he was still being jumped.

Then we say him. He was crumbled on the ground by the fountain. Not moving at all. I was the fist won to him and I helled him in my hands. I tried to hold him so lightly as to cause him anymore pain. When I did that, he looked up at me. And he didn't even realise is was me. His face was all cut up full later we found out that one of the guys had been wearing a fist full of rings. And almost punched Johny half to death. He was so scared and he was crying.

You never saw Johny cry. You never did see him cry. Not even after a beating from his old man. He could be real tuff sometimes. So it was no joke when he just stated to ball in my lap and tell me how scared he was .

A  few weeks after Johny was jumped he came clear and told us everything that had happened.

He was walking back from the movies.that night and decided that he didn't want to go home that night because his parents didn't care him he came home or not. Well anyway he didn't want to go to his house, but he did want to get warm.

So you was heading to my house. He then decided to take a shortcut through the lot. But before he could the socs got to him.  As soon as he saw then he tried to run but was to late. They had already taken him to the ground.  They put his hands so far behind his back he fought they were going to come of.

After they tied his hands together, the guy with all the rings on his hands beat the sense out of him. Hat was not even the worst part. After that they took a switch blade and started to cut his ankles , not like all the way through, but deep and tiny . He couldn't walk for the next few days.

Apparently a police officer was driving by and they ran for it. So Johny was just left to die. And he would have if me and soda didn't come along.

After he had got jumped we let him stay at our house for the next few days. When he did return home his mom just yelled at him about how much trouble he was in. She was mostly mad be cause Johny chose us instead of her.

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