I will miss her dearly!!

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Ashley p.o.v

I knew she would be here, I heard sobbing from my practice room, I went straight there.

There she was sitting on the floor with her hands over her face, I felt soo bad because it was only suppose to be a joke! You know, where her dad said no!!

"Sarah,you know your dad was joking right? He gave us his blessing!!" I said happily then realising she knew it was a joke!

I ran over to her and sat next to her, she just fell into my chest and I craddled her their for about 5 minutes, she took her head away and looked into my eyes "mums cancer has taken her!" she choked and then fell back into me. After that I stayed with her in the room until she fell asleep, I took Her up to my room and she woke up, she was like a princess, I was about to leave when I heard " stay with me please?"

I turned around and was hypnotised by those huge blue eyes! I walked back to her and laid on the bed, she placed her head on my chest and I kissed her smoothed black hair, I had only just realised that she had electric blue highlights in.

I started fiddling with the blue parts and then we both drifted off to sleep.

Sarah p.o.v

I woke up the next morning, to see ash was still there! I tryed moving but his arms were tightly locked around my waist, I managed to wriggle my arm out without waking him up, I got my phone and saw that I had loads of texts from my dad saying stuff like:

Baby I'm sorry, mummy is gone.

Please come to the hospital.

I'm worried about you where are you.

I also had twenty seven missed calls from dad and about forty from cc, I gave him my number so what!!

Then everything started flooding back to me and I remembered what happened last night, it was my birthday, I now date Ashley Purdy, and I lost my mum, who I will always love dearly! But why on my birthday I started sobbing quietly, and I felt a hand on my waist, I turned and saw ashleys face " I will miss her dearly!" was the only thing I said. I fell into his neck and a couple of minutes later he raised my face didn't say anything, just placed his soft luxurious lips onto mine! This spark suddenly came over me, I forgot everything and started thinking that we were the only two people in this world! I pulled away after 5 minutes and got up and walked to the living room to see andy sitting there and somebody else in the corner but I couldn't tell who it was!! I ran to andy needing somebody I could trust, I hugged him for about 5 minutes just crying, I started to feel someone elses hand on my arm, it was dad. The person I needed the most! I let go of andy and went straight to dad! He had been crying but not as much as I had! He didn't show his emotions as much!!! I let out a huge Howl like somebody had ripped my heart out and that's when dad started crying properly for the first time in a long long time....

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