Chapter 3- What's Going On?

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Neko Thief's POV:

I got to the address of Liberty Lessiter. I vaguely remember her from our break times but in all sense I just don't remember her properly. I look at the door and pick it as per usual. I then start to look around the house. Not only for Liberty but also for nice stuff that I can take on the way out. I then find Liberty in her bedroom. But not the way I was expecting her. She was lead on the floor. Blood had formed a puddle already. She was already dead. But who else would have killed her. Shadow always makes sure that we have a different target from each other. I examine the scene. It didn't look brutal. It didn't look like revenge. It looked like a perfectly normal and ordinary kill. There was two options. Either one of my friends have taken the kill. Or someone else has incidentally taken it. What ever happens now means that I don't get paid. Something not even Shadow can sort out. Well. I better be off and tell Shadow what happened. I hope he has a few answers for it!

The White Wolf's POV:

I hit to Kira Dark's house. The irritable girl is quite frankly a disgrace at times. The way she exaggerates stuff and gets the teachers to get her out of detentions and all sorts of trouble is phenomenally stupid! I get to the house and look for a window that I can lever open with my claws. I find one. It leads into the kitchen which is fine. I check to make sure that no one is there and lever it open and climb in. I then go straight for her bedroom and she is there. But. She's already dead. Someone has already killed her. I wonder if one of the others got wind of my target and decided to not only kill their target but also my target on the same night which would net them more money. The way she has been killed looks like our style of killing. Precise and refined. This isn't good news for me. No money tonight which I am unhappy about. I'm going to have to have a talk with Shadow and see what he has Ro say for himself.

Chara's POV:

I reach the address of Louise Davies. She has completely ruined the sixth form process and the way that it is ran. In some cases putting the students dreams completely out of reach and telling them to go elsewhere with their problems. I look for the way in that I am going to use. Now that I have learned not to just smash a window I can get in now with greater stealth. I see an open window. Perfect. That is what I will use. I open it further and make my way in. I then look around the downstairs of the house. She isn't down here. I go upstairs and try the bedroom. Not there. I then try the other bedroom. She's not there. There is only one more place to check. Her office. I push open the door to find her already led down. I can see red stains on the carpet. That must be blood unless she is drunk and had red wine. I carefully turn her over and see a stab wound into her heart. Definitely dead. I also see the computer screen smashed. Whoever did this was very refined. Hang on. This wasn't one of the others is it? They surely wouldn't kill my target too. Would they? I need to tell Shadow this and have an investigation into it. Otherwise I might not be able to have another target.

Blizzard's POV:

Ollie Gamen. Now that's a target that I can murder. I get to his house and something doesn't seem right. All of the doors and windows are actually shut. I've seen his lifestyle and there is always something open. This could mean that someone has beaten me to it. If they have I will be very unhappy. I manage to open the front door and walk through to his bedroom. Then I see something I have always wanted to see until tonight. His body led their lifeless. A pool of blood surrounding him and quite frankly a very small punishment kill. This could mean that one of the others have taken my kill because this is very precise and our style of kill. I need to let my cousin know about what has happened tonight. This needs to be sorted because if one of the other egos have taken my kill then I will cause a second death. If another assassin out their has killed them then we need to find them and eliminate them.

Unknown POV:

Hehehe. All of their targets gone before them. No money at all and all have suspicions of their friends. Tho is the perfect start to my plan. And to my domination of the assassin kingdom. And their is also one assassin here that still needs to pay their respects. Someone I know very well. If I can rip them apart then maybe the others will crumble. I just have to wait for a few more hours.

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