Chapter 19- The End? (Part 2)

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Becca's POV:

Jordan was now lying in agony. Blood flowing out of his body making a puddle on the floor with his eyes still tightly shut. He was getting weaker every second. More and more blood he lost. Weaker and weaker he was getting all of the other egos watched in pure sadness and all were tearing. His face was going pale. The most pale I have ever seen it. He was still struggling though so I still had hope.

Another 10 minutes passed and Jordan's struggles got weaker and weaker before they stopped. He wasn't breathing. And he wasn't moving. Cowan went to check on him. He then smiled.

"He's gone. Finally that wretched soul has finally died. Release the bullshitter. It's time!" Cowan commanded.

I was then released from my chain and I rushed immediately to my husband. I didn't care about anything else. I just wanted him to start moving again. I ran to him and hugged his body tightly. It felt cold. It was true. Cowan had succeeded. He killed Jordan in a slow and torturous way. He destroyed a part of my family. A puddle of tears was now forming beneath me as I was crying.

Then Cowan walked over to a box and then walked back to me and rechained me to the wall. He then decided to brag.

"I will never kill him they said. No one can kill the infamous Shadow. Well guess what. Another load of bullshit. And what are you going to do about it. Oh yeah. Absolutely nothing! All because you're scared shitless. Some assassin you are eh. You should be easier to kill than him!" Cowan stated strongly.

"YOU DO NOT SPEAK ABOUT HIM! YOU-" I started but didn't finish because something weird was happening.

A smoke and fire appeared. However it wasn't what I thought it was going to be. It was purple but with black within it. Almost like they are mixed. Then a gold started to appear. But that was impossible. Jordan was dead. He can't do anything. It then consumed me and then I had transformed. But something was different. My clothes. They were not only black. They had a red trim colour on them as well. It was distinct of Shadow! Black with red trim. My beanie. It was black with a red rim. Then I heard a voice.

"Never give up. Even in death I am with you. I have always been with you. Now. Make sure you do what you do best. No fear. No doubts. Your revenge is now. Take it whilst you have the chance. Oh yeah. And look out for Cowan he is running towards you with some swords." The voice stated. But he was right. Cowan was running to me but I felt different. I felt confidence. I felt like I could do anything because that voice. I know that voice. It was Jordan. I don't know how but it was him. I looked at my hand. The Æ symbol was there but the other symbol was different. It had my demon symbol but it was wrapped around by the assassin symbol. As if Jordan's ego was still protecting mine! His words were true, "EVEN IF I DIE I WILL ALWAYS PROTECT HER". He's protecting and helping me!

Cowan then swung his swords and I successfully defended against them. He then tried again but I stopped him for a second time. And a third. He swung high to try and get my face and low to try and chop my legs but none of it was working.

"Why the fuck won't you just die!" Cowan shouted.

"Because it's not what he would want. He wants me to be happy and free. Even though I am now trapped in this world without the person I love. And he would also want his kids to have a parent to look after them!" I scream back.

"Oh don't worry if you can just die they can join you as well!" Cowan evilly said.

"You touch my kids and I will break every bone in your body! So you leave them alone!" I say just as evilly back.

"If I am honest I saw nothing in the boy. He left you in danger and he didn't fight when we killed him so clearly he didn't love you enough!" Cowan bragged.


This made Cowan very fearful.

"How is that possible? It can't be. It has inly been recorded in legend. Now you must definitely die!" Cowan said nervously.

He then continued the fight and we endured a good 15 minute stint of just trading swings blocking each others attacks and then trying our own. It was getting frustrating but the best thing that Shadow taught me was to be patient in a fight. It's not a two minute thing. As long as you are still fighting then you still have a chance to wear the other down and win the fight. Another ten minutes past and another. 35 minutes of fighting and non of us were giving in. The other egos just watched us in awe as we traded shots. Not inly were they in awe they were also in worry. Worry about me.

Then Cowan made his first mistake. He entered a sword lock and I knew exactly what I had to do. I held both swords with one hand. Grabbed my dagger and cut through one of his swords. I then sheathed in and grabbed my swords again with both hands. Cowan then fought with one sword. However this was much easier for me because two swords against one is always easier. I managed to get him to drop his sword. Perfect now my turn.

"You tried to finish me off twice now and both attempts have failed. Now I will complete your mission by killing you!" I state. I then plunge both swords into his arms and trough them so that he couldn't escape. Then my knives went into his legs and pinned him down before I got both my daggers and lined them up with his chest.

"This is for Jordan. This is for my parents. This is for what you have done!" I say to Cowan before lunging my daggers into him and killing him for good.

I then look up to still see Jordan's lifeless body before I heard him in my mind.

"Well done babe. Now don't forget that I will always be here for you. To protect you. And to care for you. Goodbye babe." He said this before it went quiet and I returned to his body. I look at it. It looks pale, cold and motionless. Just lying there. I began to cry again and now all of the egos had been freed of their cage and joined me by standing behind me crying and bowing their heads at what has just happened.

Jordan was dead and that was all we could see. I looked at my hand again. The demon logo protected by an assassins logo. I still couldn't believe what has happened.

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