Chapter 4- The Past Rival

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Ghost's POV:

I reach the house of Ollie Ford. It's about time this twat was killed. The amount of people that he has bullied and messed with is stupid. But he picked me to be his number one target. Well guess what. That will change tonight. Guess who's number one on my kill list. I get to his house and get a window to open. I go straight for his bedroom. He must be there. And what do you know. He is! He immediately gets up and starts to have fear strike through him.

"Hello, Ollie." I say with great evil.

"W-who are you. And what do you want?" He asks.

"I am someone that you decided to pick on. And I am here to take my turn. Although this time. You won't be bullying anyone else." I reply.

I then start to punch him on the head ruining his model look. Oh well. Left uppercut. Right uppercut. Knee. Kick. And an elbow all to his head. Gosh. His face looks good. Tons of bruises, a broken nose and potential fractured cheek bone. I then start to kick his gut. All of them inflicting more pain than the last.

I then make him stand and then slam his face into his desk, wardrobe and wall. I then draw my knives ready. I throw three of them and hit his arms and his leg. I then throw the last one and hit his other leg. Jordan had developed a new weapon though. He gave it to me and stated that it was 'the most dangerous and sharp dagger ever. It will cut through anything' which is brilliant. He even gave me a second one. I grabbed them and lined them up the first at his head and the second at his heart. I see him. Breathing hard. That look of fear spread across his face. Oh and that expression of pain. He didn't have much to say considering the amount of people that he has verbally bullied and all of this physical bully was no where. I mean where was the fight from all of this. I then plunge my new daggers straight into the targets that I had picked. The first into his head and the second in the heart. They cut through him like a hot knife in butter. They were phenomenal. I then pick all of my weapon back up and sheathe them all. I then exit through the window and close it.

I then turn to start leaving before I hear a voice from the shadows.

"Well, well, well. Rebecca, Lauren, Reid. I was wondering what the world's biggest bullshitter was doing nowadays. But this. Well. I didn't think you were strong enough. But hey. Just means you can channel all of your anger." The voice stated.

"Who are you?" I ask with some fear.

The voice then became a dark figure then came to the light and I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Why. Don't you remember me?" The man said.

It was David Cowan. My old head of year. He done fuck all about what happened in my last school.

"What are you doing here?" I ask.

"Good question. I am here to taken over your world. The assassin realm. All of this darkness will be mine. I here you're married and have children. Is that correct?" Cowan asked.

"That is none of your concern!" I shout back.

"Well I can tell your married. That gold band. I'm gonna guess. Your boyfriend from your school after mine. Is it him?!" He continued to question.

"Yes. Now you leave him out of this. He has nothing to do with it." I reply.

"Oh he has everything to do with it. You see. If I am to control this world I need him dead. Without him dead I can't rule this world. So you're husband has to die and quite frankly he is a waste of space." Cowan explains. He then decides to wrap his arm around my neck and hold a blade to it.

"Now you will tell me everything I ask or you will die. Understand?" Cowan asks.

"Yes." I reply.

"Good. Now you have kids yes. What are their names?" Cowan questions.

"Michaela and Blake." I answer.

"Right and your husband. His name. In full!" He asks.

"Jordan Paul Harding." I answer again.

"Good one more. Do you love him and if I killed him what would you do? Because you know i will then become king of this realm." He questions.

"Yes I love him. And you never kill him. He would kick your ass and i will kick your ass you complete twat." I answer with anger.

"Ooo. Feisty. I kinda like that. Well. You better spend a lot of time with your husband because he won't be around for long. And you will become a widow. Trust me." He states whilst throwing me to the floor whilst I tried to catch my breath.

"I never trusted you. So this bullshit is just another lot of bullshit. You will never kill him. And you will never kill me like you have always wanted. Try it and you will feel your death. I mean let's be honest. Your on your own." I snap back.

"I have a gun and I will shoot you if you don't get out of here in five seconds." He states.

I quickly disappear. My rival. He is here. And I dot. Know what to do. All I can feel is fear. What he didn't do at my old school. What he didn't believe. It's too much. I can only stay there frozen. I can't do anything. Normally I would kick someone's ass if they done that. But I couldn't. And I don't know why. I need to let Shadow know immediately. We have some competition to eliminate.

Cowan's POV:

"You think that I am alone. Your very much mistaken girl!"

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