Chapter 13- A Plan To Research

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Ghost/ Becca's POV:

Me and shadow got back home from being kidnapped and almost killed by Cowan. We had picked up Blake and Michaela whom we needed to see to help us cheer up a little bit from what had just happened.

The fact that me and Shadow are still alive. The fact that we changed on demand was pretty impressive. But I fear what might happen now. For example how did Cowan know that we went to the hospital? And I wonder what has happened at the company. On the basis that I don't want things to fuck up there! Because quote frankly I am not in the mood to be dealing with it. Bit the biggest question is what will Cowan do next? If he manages to ambush us again we might not be as lucky! I need to try and beat the -.

"Hey babe. Shall we go to headquarters to find out what's gone on or shall we stay here and invite everyone around?" Shadow asks.

"Umm. I would prefer it if we could stay here please. I just don't feel like going anywhere right now." I answer.

"What do you think Cowan will do now?" Shadow continues to question.

"Idk. Bit I don't want it to happen again. You almost died. Again! And I'm not losing you. Not now!" I answer back with a few tears at that thought.

"Come here babe." Shadow says as I cuddle up to him and he comforts me, "I'm not leaving you anytime soon. Why do you think I got us to perform that. And by the way. You done really well to pull that off! But trust me. We will get to the bottom of this! And we will sort it out ok?" Shadow states to comfort me.

"Ok." I reply.

"Well. I have invited everyone to meet us here in the morning but for now. I think we should get some sleep because you are tired and you being tired won't be good for the baby!" Shadow stated.

To be fair. I couldn't say that he was lying. I was tired and it wouldn't help our unborn child. I just nodded and went upstairs to our bedroom with him after putting Blake and Michaela to sleep.

We got into bed but I couldn't sleep. This whole situation was getting to me. I couldn't stop thinking about it. I mean for Cowan to suddenly have his own interests in the assassination realm. 6 years after he takes over. I just don't think that that is what he wants. I think he wants to take revenge on somebody. But who could it be. I know we had some pretty large arguments in the past but nothing I would have thought to take revenge. And I don't even know how he knows about Jordan! How did he know that I was with him? I then felt an arm go around my back and then hug me. Jordan was awake and I could tell he was worried.

"What's wrong babe?" He asks.

"This whole thing is what's wrong! What is happening. There is no reason for Cowan to suddenly have an interest in the assassination realm just 6 years after you take charge. Surely if he was that interested then he would have tried to take it before when Chinnock ran things." I explain.

"It does seem kind of weird." He further tightens the hug, "Tell you what. If you can please get some sleep tonight then we will discuss it with everyone tomorrow morning. I will even invite Chinnock to hear what she has to say. Does that calm you enough to please get some sleep because you need it?!" Jordan explained back and asked.

Him saying this and hugging me made me feel a lot safer and calmer. So I nodded and then drifted off to sleep.


I woke up with Jordan still asleep next to me. I decided to tap him to wake him up. This done the trick as he was straight up afterwards.

"You ok babe?!" He asked in a bit of a panic. Which I understood.

"Yes I'm fine. I'm just up a little early and want you to be awake as well. We have everyone coming round later to discuss what's going on at the moment. I need to get this discussion done so that I can feel a little more at ease!" I state to him.

"Ok. Well I'm up now. I hope everyone has remembered to come to the meeting." Jordan replies.


Everyone including Chinnock has arrived to our emergency meeting at our house and they are all anxious and curious as to why they have been called here.

"Good morning everyone. Thank you for coming on such short notice and I know that you are all wondering why you are here. Well do you remember the attack that happened on us at the headquarters?" Jordan stated then asked, everyone nodded in agreement, "Well it is about that. We believe that Cowan is up to something on a very big scale because just yesterday he am used me and Becca as we got back home from the hospital. He was going to kill me in front of her. We need to work out how he is getting his information and what he is planning on doing. If we don't it could spell disaster for us and the company." Jordan then finished explaining.

"Well. Why would he want to take this over?" Chazzy asked

"Power." Jessie replied.

"Control." Shanice replied.

"Money." Lauren replied.

"I think it is revenge." I stated.

"Revenge but on who?" Shanice asked.

"That I don't know. I do t know who but he has arrived just six years later from when Jordan took over. Surely if he wanted this job he would have gone after Chinnock years ago!" I explain.

"Aye that would have been the easier option." Jordan replied with a smirk on his face pointing towards Chinnock.

Chinnock then smirked back then said, "Brilliant just pick on me. But why would he want revenge?"

"Idk. I mean I have no recollection of anything that is bad enough from my point of view. And I don't think he has ever met any of you guys to have any sort of grudge against you. So I don't know what we are going to do." I reply.

"Right. In that case I want to make sure that the company is secure meaning we need prototype cameras which can injure people Lauren and Shanice and we need them pronto. Jessie and Charlotte I need you to train up a team for security. Everyone clear on what they are doing?" Jordan explained. Everyone then nodded. "Good. Now let's get to work." Jordan stated.

They all then left for headquarters to start their tasks whilst me and Jordan started to try and research into Cowan. His past and any other details that may help us!


I'm really sorry for the slow update. I've been really busy with schoolwork and stuff so I do apologise but I am hoping to be updating regularly over Christmas! Hope you enjoy the chapter!


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