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Henry POV

Damn what have I done. I can't believe I yelled at her. I didn't even ask her what she wanted or needed. Who knows if she's in trouble and what if something happened to her. I thought to myself.

I keep on trying to call here and no answer. I can understand why she's ignoring my calls. Damn I'm so stupid! She's in a place she doesn't know anyone and the one person that will be their for her goes a head and yells at her. I have to find her to make sure she's safe. I get up and call Aiden. We get in the car in search for her. I turn on find my phone app to search whereabouts. As we get closure to her I look around the area. Why is she here and how did she get her. I hope she's okay and no harm has come to her.

The car comes to a stop near an abandoned warehouse. Hope she's ok. We both step out of the car and I head in one direction and Aiden in the opposite. The ran is coming down hard. We both check every open entrance and doors that would open. We were at this for over an hour and nothing. Until I get a call from Aiden and that he found her. I head running in his direction. When I get to her she's covered in clothing and it looked like it was to keep her warm. I pick her up bridal style and her breathing sounded weak. Aiden grabs her stuff and we head for the car. This is all my fault. She only stayed out here because I connected every place and gave them her description. I told them if the give her a place to stay they will be sorry. Now because of me this happened to her. We make it to the car and I put her in. I climb in and take out my phone. "Phil please met me at my condo and bring your stuff. This doesn't look good," I say before hanging up.

"Aiden turn the heat on full blast and I'll try my best to keep her warm back here. Please rush to the condo which it's closer Phil will meet us there," I said starting warm her up

Aiden nods his head and starts to drive faster. Hoping we don't get pulled over. This is all my fault! I have to make sure she's okay. We pull up to my condo and Phil's car was already there, which was good because we didn't have to wait for him.

We enter the house and I take her to my room. Phill pulls the covers down and I lay her on my bed. I pull the cover up.

"What the heck happened to her. I told you to keep an eye on her and this is worse than I expected," he said

"I really don't know! I asked her to stay but she left," I said

"This doesn't look good she's burning up with a fever. How long was she out there in that rain," he asked

"I don't know how long she was out there," I yelled

"Get out of here so I can check her. I really don't need you in here yelling at me," he yelled back

"I'll be quite promise," I said

"No! Just get out and I will call you if I need anything," he said

Caving in I walk out the room and wait in the living room.

It felt like hours later Phil come out my room with his bag in hand. I stand up and over to him. "Well! How is she," I asked

"She needs to be in bed for the next few days. I don't really care if she needs to leave or anything," he said

I nod my head. I walk him to the door and he turns around. "Call me if anything happens or when she's awake. I need to run some blood test," he said before leaving

I close the front door and head for my room. I need to check her to make sure she's ok for myself. I open the door and tip toe in. Making sure I don't wake her up. I walk over to the bed and stand right in front of her. Starting down at her. She looks so beautiful sleeping and I can't wait until I make her mine. I always get what I want and she's it. It will be a win win for me. I get to marry her to make my parents happy about me being married and she gets to be all mine. I'll make sure that I do everything to please her and to where she"ll accept my proposal. There's no way she'll be able to turn me down. Look at me if you think about who would say no to a proposal from me. I'm ever girls dream.

I get up and head to the restroom to shower before bed. This was a long night. After the shower I head to my bed and climb in begin careful not to touch her or anything. Laying there next to her and not begin able to touch her was really killing me.

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