Consulting Fangirl

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 This is the story of Mai Evans. Mai first heard about him through a friend. “He solves crimes,” she said. “No, he’s a murderer,” assured another. Mai needed to know who this mysterious man truly was. So, she researched him. Eventually, he started popping up in papers all over London. She learned all of his cases, followed all the websites, and was one in the millions of people who supported him. This man and his adventures became her life. When it happened, Mai didn’t believe it. She couldn’t believe it, because believing it meant that her idol, a man she loved so dearly was a lair. A fake. She couldn’t believe it. So, she didn’t. Mai joined the resistance, desperately trying to prove that the papers were wrong. He wasn’t dead. He wasn’t a fake. Sherlock Holmes was an honest man, and Mai was going to find him. But what happens when John Watson asked for her help in something she wasn't sure her conscience could handle? What if this desperate journey to clear Sherlock’s name lead to something more for Mai and John, something neither of them were ready for? 

 A/N This is a BBC Sherlock fanfiction that came purely from my imagination. I do not own the characters Sherlock, John or any other BBC created characters. Do not copy this story or the concepts and ideas inside it. If this gets a lot of votes, I'll post the rest of it.

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