Chapter 6: Mai

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A/N Hey guys sorry if this is a bit late, I've been really busy with school. Hope you like :)

I met John for our first ‘search’ session that weekend. I was incredibly nervous, waiting for him to show up to my flat. I’d asked if we could meet at Baker Street, but John said that it was too painful for him to go back there. He hadn’t even talked to Mrs. Hudson since just after the funeral. I understood, but I didn’t want him to avoid his problems forever. For now, he was staying at his sister’s flat.

A knock echoed through my empty flat and I jumped, startled from my thoughts. Quickly, I hopped up and ran over to the door.

A smiling John Watson stood on the other side. It was a fake smile, but I was glad that he was putting forth any effort at all. I invited him in and gestured towards the couch.

“So,” he said awkwardly, rubbing his hands together as he sat down. “How do you propose we do this?” I sat down on the chair opposite to him and bit my lip.

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried to clear someone’s name before. We could start online.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He didn’t know about the movement online. He didn’t know about all the people who supported Sherlock, who believed in Sherlock. He didn’t know about any of that.

“Here, let me show you something.” I said, hopping off the chair to grab my laptop. I felt his eyes on me the entire time, even as I sat down on the couch beside him. It took only minutes to open my Tumblr. I felt his eyes widen as I went to my blog and showed him all the posts.

Sherlock’sGirl- Moriarty is real. I know it. I believe it. He made Sherlock jump.

221Babe- Sherlock isn’t a fake. I met him and he told me my entire life’s story. #IBelieveinSherlockHolmes

IAmJohnLocked- He’s a total ass, but he’s no liar. He can’t be. I saw him once. He’s real.

I noticed tears welling up in John’s eyes as I scrolled down the site. He seemed to be drinking in every word. I expected him to break down or something, but all he said was,

“What the bloody hell does JohnLocked mean?”

I burst out laughing. Not the chuckle-quiet laugh. More like the side-splitting-on-the-floor laugh that left me gasping for air. Of all the things for him to say, that was what I had least expected.

“What? What is it?” John asked in a breathy voice as he was struggling not to laugh. He wouldn’t be laughing when he heard what it meant though.

I composed myself enough to sit on the couch again. I was still gasping for breath as I tried to formulate an answer that wouldn’t creep him out too much.

“Okay, well, first let me tell you that some certain… people… can have big… imaginations.” I raised my eyebrows at him, but he was still confused. I sighed and tried again.

“Some of these people… start to think things… things that aren’t true, of course.” I added quickly, seeing the look in his eyes. “Some of these things involve you… and Sherlock…” I motioned with my hands, sending him a knowing look. He stared at me blankly for a few seconds before rolling his eyes.

“For God’s sakes, I’m not gay! Why does everyone keep assuming that I’m gay? Do I look gay? Is it what I’m wearing?” I shook my head and sat silently as John continued to rant.

“Johnlock? That’s… That’s just… wrong!” I held my hands up in defense and bounced my knee nervously.

“I know. I don’t know what’s wrong with some people.” I said nervously, trying not to sound guilty. My voice was rather squeaky, though, and John’s head snapped up. One look in my eyes and he saw right through me.

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