Chapter 10: John

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Asking Mai out had seemed like a good idea at the time. After minutes of her staring at me with wide eyes, however, I was beginning to doubt the wisdom behind my actions.

Her eyes narrowed a bit, back to their normal, slightly crooked position that I admired so much. She exhaled slowly, sending a jolt through my nerves. She looked as if she was preparing herself to deliver bad news to me. Seeing as how I had just poured my heart out to her, this was not the look I’d hoped for.

“John,” She started with a nervous grin, “of course I’ll go out with you.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding in, an ear splitting grin across my face. I took her hands as she smiled back at me, though she seemed a bit tense. Perhaps it was nerves, or maybe that insecurity she told me about earlier.

I made a promise to myself then and there that I would help her the way she helped me, that I would be there for her the way she was for me. She deserved that much, and if it was all that I could offer her of my broken heart, then I would give everything I could.

“So when would you like to go ‘out’, Mr. Romance?” She asked with a playful tone.

I rolled my eyes, glad that we were back to the familiar joking. It lightened the mood greatly after the events of the previous day. I forced my mind away from that, locking the memory inside the deepest corners of my mind.

“Well, I was hoping we could try this Saturday. Not a murder chase or anything like that, just putting that out there.”

“Damn,” She said with a chuckle, “I was really excited for that part. Why else would I date the man I’m obsessed with? The mad little army doctor who loves adventures and fun.”

“I’m hardly the one you’re obsessed with.” I responded sadly. She frowned and sat closer to me.

“Look, you may not have been the one I blogged about every day, and you may not be who I named my dog after, but none of that matters. You’re the one who’s been there for me, the one who’s taken care of me. That means more to me than any trivial love I had for that man. Don’t ever underestimate your importance in my life, okay?”

I nodded slowly at first, a nervous smile eventually settling on my face. Mai always made me nervous, though. Not a bad sort, like stress or worry. More like butterflies. Those were something I hadn’t felt in a long time.

“Saturday, then. Dinner, a movie, and a completely normal date. No mysteries, no gunfights, no insanity. Just us. Sound good?” I proposed, a hopeful tone in my voice. She smiled that radiant smile and I knew that I had won her over. Me, not Sherlock Holmes. John Watson, a simple army doctor with nothing but problems for her.

“Saturday it is.” 


By the time Saturday had rolled around, I was nervous beyond belief, which made no sense. This was not my first date, yet I had the same fluttering feeling that I had when it had been my first date. Mai felt different than the other girls. She mattered more.

I arrived outside her flat on time, my palms sweating. When she opened the door, the nerves faded instantly.

I could tell you that she looked lovely in whatever beautiful posh dress she’d worn, or that her makeup was perfectly intact, but to be honest, I didn’t notice any of that. All I could see was her smile, her eyes, her energy as it bounced off her shoulders like a wave, jolting right into my heart. I couldn’t frown when she was near. It was impossible. So no, I didn’t pay much attention to her makeup or dress. All I cared about was the lovely smile etched into her face, and knowing that I was the cause of it.

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