Chapter 16: Mai

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A week after this conversation, I was free to go with orders to get as much rest as possible. The doctors wanted me to stay at the hospital longer, but they figured since my boyfriend was a trained army doctor with excellent credentials, I was fine to go.

Of all the ways to end up living together, this was not what I expected. We decided that it would be best if I just moved in because of all the care I needed. Well, needed was a subjective term. John thought I needed his help with every task, where as I was perfectly capable. Still, I didn’t mind being pampered a bit.

“John!” I called from my spot huddled on the couch, adding a sense of urgency just to get him to come faster. Sure enough, his frantic footsteps echoed throughout the flat until he burst through the door, only a towel around his waist to cover him. I blushed, but John was too worried to notice.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” he asked, his eyes wide. I smiled, despite the weariness pushing on my shoulders. I've felt tired ever since leaving the hospital, but that was just a side effect of almost being crushed by a car. I came awfully close to the 'forever sleep,' so I wasn't complaining about being a bit tired every now and then. 

“Nothing, I just wanted to see you.”

John rolled his eyes, but he didn’t get angry with me. Truthfully, I believed that he was glad for little interruptions in his life like this. I knew how cautious he was after what happened and was positive that he wanted to see me too. Since the accident, I’ve realized how fragile life is, and John has too.

“I love you, but I need to shower.” John replied, a smug smile on his face. I sent him a pouting face, but waved him off nonetheless.

Once he was gone, I grabbed my laptop, pulled Holmes up onto my lap, and logged onto tumblr. Dating John Watson improved my fan-base tenfold. Now people everywhere wanted more and more advice from John Watson's girlfriend. Normally, I hated titles such as that, but this one I didn't mind. I was proud to be known as John Watson's girlfriend. There were worse names to be known as. 

With a grin, I snatched the tub of Nutella from the side table, a spoon, and began scrolling whilst gleefully enjoying a snack any fangirl can relate to.


I recovered fully within a week or two. Once I had healed enough to move about on my own, John and I started going out together once again. He took me on all sorts of dates, varying from quiet dinners to dancing in clubs. I was never a social butterfly, but John seemed to like it, so I didn’t complain.

On the night of our one year anniversary, John and I were having a night in. We were catching up on Doctor Who, and by ‘we were catching up,’ I mean John was, of course. He seemed to like it, but I couldn’t tell if he actually liked it or if it was a ruse to make me happy. Either way, I wasn’t protesting.

“John,” I started in a nervous voice, a sudden though plaguing my mind. “Why did we stop the hunt to prove Sherlock’s name? You were obsessed before. Why the sudden change?” I hated to use the word obsessed, but it was true, and we both knew it.

He pursed his lips in thought, not meeting my eyes. “Because,” he said under his breath, just loud enough for me to hear. What he said next, however, was loud and clear. “I’ve found something else to live for.”

I ignored the pounding in my heart. I needed to know more. I needed him to tell me more, because I needed to know if everything I’d done to help him had succeeded.

“But he was your best friend. You-,” John cut me off before I could continue, his eyes as calm and soft as I had ever seen them. I expected him to break down at the thought of Sherlock. Months ago, he would have. Now, he seemed more put together than I was.

“Sherlock is my past. He was my best friend, but he’s gone. There’s nothing I can do to change that, God knows I’ve tried. You, Mai, you are my future. I’m sorry it took a horrible accident for me to realize that, but it’s true. I’ll leave clearing Sherlock’s name to the police. You are what’s most important to me.”

By the end of his confession, I had tears pooling in my eyes. I refused to let them fall, however. This was not a time for crying.

“Speaking of the future…” John started, his face blushing red. “Mai, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you. I’ve wanted to for some time now, but I never got around to it.”

With my heart pounding in my ears, I watched him get down on one knee. The shy but exhilarated look on his face made the tears that were once controllable fall in puddles.

He carefully lifted the small black box from his jean pocket. Inside was a beautifully simple golden band, not unlike a ring from one of my favorite book and movie series. I wish I could have said that I acted cool and held myself together, but to be perfectly honest, I was a mess.


“Yes!” I cut him off before he could finish. “Oh God yes.”

He beamed, his smile brighter than I’d ever seen. After he slid the ring onto my finger, I pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. Over his shoulder, I admired the beautiful object.

“So you figured you’d hook me in by purchasing the One Ring? Really?” I whispered into his ear. He chuckled into the embrace and pulled back.

“Shut up.” He joked before leaning into a kiss. I eagerly returned it, but I soon couldn’t help myself, kissing or not.

I pulled back once more and mumbled, “fine, but if I turn into Gollum once we’re married you better still love me.”

All John could do was roll his eyes. I didn't blame him. 

A/N PLEASE DON'T HATE ME! I've been incredibly busy with school and homework, I haven't had any time to write. Honestly, I'm sorry. I hope this fluffiness made up for it. THE DEDICATION GOES TO THE WONDERFUL HUMAN BEING WHO MADE THE NEW COVER! :D 

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