Dinner for two

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It took us thirty minutes to reach the nearest Olive Garden. The idea of walking into a restrant looking like a sugar plum princess was almost embaressing, but i didn't care. I was too excited to care. I couldn't stop smiling the whole car ride and i still couldn't stop. We parked  near to the entrance. The outside of Olive Garden was very romantic. Flowered vines and potts of beautiful blooming red and white roses surrounded the outside sittig area.  Drake took out the keys to the car and looked at me playfully.

"You ready to go in?" he asked. I grabbed my blue leather purse and nodded in reply. i attempted to open the door, but Drake then put his hand on my leg. I was a little frightened at first, but then i looked into his eyes.

"Wait here." he said as he got out of the car. I sat paciently. I watched him flawlessly walk around the car and smoothly open my door.

"Ladies first," he said with a dangerous smile on his face. I stepped out of the car, and he walked me inside the building. As soon as  we walked in, the middle-aged lady, by the name Margret on her nametag, at the front desk looked at us with no disposition, looking up from her typing.

"Did you already make reservations?" she said. Drake reached down and held my hand. His was warm and loving. I swung it back and fourth a little bit and rested my head on his shoulder, not caring about my hairstyle. If June saw this she would be screeching about how I'm gonna mess it up. She-.  I stopped my thoughts. Don't think about June right now, I told myself. This is you and Drake time, where June doesn't matter right now.

"Yes. Umm... it should be under Coth," he said to her. She tipitty-tapped on her outdated keyboard and spoke softly into the microphone on her desk.

"Emily, it's your turn," Margret said with a dull look on her face. Suddenly a teenager close all dressed in blue, not including her uniform, ran out from underneath the arch that was  separating the front desk from the  seats in the restaurant. She had springy, curly bright blonde hair. She was pale, so her crystal blue eyes stood out. She had a black apron on, with a pocket filled with straws, and bright red lipstick. She was smiling so big, she was squinting her eyes. She grabbed two menus from the counter and turned to us.                      

"Follow me," she said brightly. 

We walked behind her as she let us to the sun-lit table for two. There was a flowerpot that held a daisy in the middle of the table. Drake and I took our red seats as Emily handed out our menus to us.

"Hello, my name is Emily and I will be your server today," She said cheerfully as she flipped out her notepad to take orders. The warm sun on my skin was very comforting, considering the goose bumps on my skin. I looked at Drake. He was like my prince charming from a fairytale me and June would read as kids. He was so gentleman-like,  it didn't even seem like him. I held up the greasy plastic menu as I looked at all the food choices.

"What would you like to drink for today?" She said looking dreamily at Drake. Uh, oh. What was she trying to do? Drake looked at the menu and looked up at her. He didn't even notice the look she was giving him.  He just didn't even care.

"I'll have a Dr.Pepper," Drake said not changing his disposition.

 Emily's smile had begun to fade, seeing she has been rejected.

"And... what would you like?" She said facing me, looking at her notepad. Her smile was completely gone.

"I'll have a Coke." I said, smiling back at her. She squinted at me, and walked off. I glanced at Drake, who was looking out the window at the cars racing by. I reached across the table and grabbed his hand. I squeezed it tight. Something was on his mind. He looked back at me, slightly startled, but eased into a smile.

"Woah, calm down. It's only been a few seconds," he said playfully. I smiled and stared at him harder.

"What's on your mind?" I asked. He turned towards me, his eyes glittering in the light.

"I don't want to ruin our date with sappy stuff," He squeezed my hand back. "Did June do your hair?"

I used my left hand to pet my hair. I smiled at him.

"Yeah. Can you tell?" I asked.

"It's more than obvious. June asked me once if she could cut my hair..." he said. "You probably know what I said next."

"Well, you're gonna hafta get used to it... she does that to me all the time. She wants to be a hair stylist really badly," I said. We talked like that until our drinks came and we made our orders. I was so far so good. I couldn't stop tapping my foot because of how excited I was. June's words in our bedroom stuck to me. "Maybe you'll have your first kiss..."  She said. She knew how much I wanted it to happen. I haven't had my first kiss yet. Me and Drake had been dating for 5 months, and I really do love him. About a month ago, I tried to kiss him, but he told me he wasn't ready yet. I was kind of discouraged, but at least he wasn't one of the those guys that would probably dump me then and there. I haven't tried again yet. Maybe he'll kiss me when he's ready. Every so often, I would glance away from our conversation. Every time, there was a fairly cute guy, just staring at us. Every time I looked over, there  I saw his eyes, dig deep into mine. 



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