All a dream?

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"Ok. I'm Tanner, and this... is Liam. He's a..Vampire," Tanner said bitterly. "And I'm a Werewolf from pack, Waapesk Tepehkiiha. In Kickapoo, that means "Whitemoon."

I took a breath in.

"What do... you- you want?" I said.

Vampires and werewolves? Aren't they just fantasy or make-believe? Why did they snatch me from my date? Drake... Drake was probably getting suspicious of where I was. He might think I left him! This was a complete nightmare! This was too much to take in.. I couldn't.. this... Then  I fell, feeling very light-weight, with voices echoing in my head. Then the darkness came.


I was leaning against something grainy and hard. I couldn't open my eyes... they were too heavy. I was still weightless, floating in my conciseness. I didn't know what I was doing. Then I heard a voice, calling my name.

"May... May... come back," It said.

It knew my name? I tried to find the way out of the maze of my conciseness. The light.... where was it? I needed to get out. I needed to wake up. Suddenly a spiraling and spinning jolt shook me, like I was being pulled back into my body. I opened my eyes, trying to focus them to I could see what was happening. I blinked a couple of times and looked into the brown eyes of the teen named Tanner. He had dark skin, and crisp brown eyes. Like the color of tree bark in the morning of a day in Autumn. His hair was black and short and had a concerned look on his flawless face. I took in a breath, and coughed downward. then a horrible stinging began in the back of my head.

"Owwww..." I mumbled, still recovering from my sudden black-out.

My blonde hair was still in it's bun, unharmed by whatever had happened. I closed my eyes again, then I was picked up and carried back to somewhere. When I opened my eyes again, I was in the bathroom I just left. Wait.. wasn't I just in an alley? Or was it all just a dream? I quickly stood up and looked in the mirror. I looked fine. My hair was perfectly inn it's place. My dress was white, with no mud stains. I breathed out and walked back out of the bathroom. I was just dreaming under stress of our date going well, that's all, I thought. I walked back to our table. Drake was sitting there, staring at the window to his right at the other end of the table. Ugh. Why didn't he just tell me what  was bothering him? I sat down on  the cushioned seat, then putting the strap of my purse on the sleek black part of my chair. I reached out and squeezed his hand. He looked at me and I smiled at him.

"Good. You're back. I didn't know what I was going to do if that waitress came back when you weren't here..." He said to me with a small smile on his face.

So he did notice! I smiled wider and shook my head at him. A short while after, Emily had come back with our drinks in a tall glass fizzing in the black try she was carrying it on. As she walked to our table, her smile went away. She set the refreshments onto the red and white checkered loth with a small thump. She was looking huffy, so I smiled proudly for myself keeping her from her attempt to steal my guy. 

"Will you be ordering appetizers?" She asked as her bright blonde curls bounced on her shoulder.

Her shiny red lips scrunched into a kiss form. I narrowed my eyebrows at her and she squinted at me, then turned back to Drake, who looked up at her.

"Ummm, yeah. I'll get the unlimited breadsticks," he says.

She bats her eyelashes at him and walks away with his order on her notepad. The night just went like that. We ate. We laughed. He drove me home. When I walked in the door, June pounced on my like a cheetah on a gazelle, wrapping her arms around me and squealed. I turned around and waved at him. The moon on his eyes made them glitter as he waved back and got in the car. I looked forward at June again, who was now off of me. She was smiling so big, all of her teeth were showing.

"C'mon, May! I'll get everything off of you and you can tell me all about it!" She said. 

She grabbed my arm and dragged me upstairs into our room that we shared. She forced me into the black padded chair in front of the mirror and started taking my make up off with a small makeup pad.

"So....." She started, smiling at me. It told me she had come up with a fun question to ask me. "Did you have your first kiss?"

I smiled small.

"No, but I hope he will soon!" She was getting me excited.

That was the thing I liked about June. She knew how to wound me up. She stopped and made a puppy face at me.

"Well, I hope it was romantic! You guys looked like you had fun! He did carry you to the car!"

"It was romantic," I said to her. 

"So did anything else happen? Somebody comment on your dress or something?"

"Well there was the waitress..." I said, still thinking about it. June spun the chair away from the mirror and put her hands on my shoulders. 

She looked at me, while pushing her thick nerd glasses back up her nose bridge.

"What about the waitress?" she said.

I looked down at my white tutu dress.

"She was trying to flirt with him." June stepped away and put her hands over her mouth as loud gasp escaped.

"No. Way! What did you do? What did she look like?" June said, eyes wide.

"Well, she had curly bright blonde hair. Bright red lipstick. I stared at her until she got the memo. I didn't want her trying to steal him away bon my first real date with Drake. Then he told me he noticed her and she scared him, so I know he wouldn't pair with her."

"Wow! Good job, May!" June said clapping at me.

I blushed and she continued taking off all the glitter. After we changed into our PJ's, we sat on our separate beds and talked.

"Hey June?" I said. She looked at me with willing eyes.

"I didn't tell you what also happened..." I told her everything. 

Liam and Tanner. How they said they were A Werewolf and a Vampire and how I blacked out, and someone was calling my name. She listened carefully to every word with wonder and I saw questions forming by the look in her eyes.

"Wow... so you think you were hallucinating?" she said concerned.

She carefully put her thumb and her pointer finger onto her chin and made it look like she was stroking an imaginary beard. I giggled a little. "I don't think you were..."

Just then, we heard a loud triple tap on our windows.                 

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