Cold Night, Sure Fright

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Liam then preformed the most horrific thing. He buried his teeth into the Guinix's rock-solid skin and managed to decapitate his head from his body. I gasped as I witnessed it's head roll slowly on the ground, blue eyeballs melting and absorbed into the moon-lit Earth. It frightened me. He seemed nicer than that horrible creature he showed himself as. The forest was silent, with only faint noises of the intake of breath. I jumped from shock, and forgot to hold on to the branch I was perched on, which was probably the most terrible mistake I could have made, because I then started to plummet down to the forest floor, wind roaring in my ears. The wind licked hungrily at my goose bumped arms, waiting for me to hit the Earth floor with deadly force. 

"AHHH!" I screamed in terror, getting closer and closer to the pale white ground. I was sure I was close o mu death, watching my life  flash before my eyes. in the flash of a second, Liam caught me, two inches off the ground. My hair was touching the floor, and I was relived my head didn't roll from the force of my fall. I was hyperventilating  from the scare, my hair in a blonde knotted spider web over my face, and still recovering with each breath. I sat up to hug his thick shoulders so tight, that my fingers were flushed of their color. I starting vibrating, shaking from the night breeze in my airy pj's. I looked into Liam's bright yellow  irises . His shirt was damp with sweat, his body was paused in time. Since he was dead, he looked like every muscle in his body turned into concrete. His eyes had a violent glare, shimmering in the moonlight, and also no breath escaped his purple lips. I struggled without thought, concluding his stare daunting, and not very welcoming. Tanner was leaning up against the nearby tree, back in his human form, where deep concentration was taking place in his eyes and his expression. Brown eyes wandering all over the ground, deep in though, relaxed position against the rough bark, and thick, bronze-dusted  arms crossed and folded over his chest in some kind of anger. I wanted to be held by him. Not Liam. I didn't know why, but that was my desire. I hadn't heard a peep out of June, which I predicted she would say something by now. In assumption, she was silent for my moment with the boys, or she didn't know what to say, for a first.

"Heh," Liam grunted when he lowered and laid my legs gently placing them on the solid ground, petting my blonde hair fatherly out of my eyes before I dragged my legs sleepily towards Tanner who stood at attention, and watched me walk with unbelieving eyes. My feet stung with cold mud caking onto my heel and my breath ever so slowly got faster in every shake. I relaxed myself against his chest, desperate for warmth, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable with me. I wanted him to choose to heat me with his own free will.

"Oh, um," Tanner responded with a tone of infallible surprise. Warmth pervaded around my left shoulder, melting the goose bumps into normal skin. I just needed the rest of my body to thaw, and I'd be one happy camper. Tanner failed to resist my unpredictable decision to use him as a source of heat. If he really didn't want me on him, he might have thrown me away from him before I could make contact. I looked over to Liam when I saw his arms which  hung in the air like strings were attached to them. I looked up He didn't look sure of what to do, or what I needed, and was caught in a mental debate whether or not to take any of his choice actions. In a few seconds, he realized why I had forced myself over to him.

"God, you're cold! How long was the fight? Thirty seconds? Liam?" Tanner said while trying to get his arms around my shoulders, like  of he crushed me, I would shatter like glass.

Liam was standing where I had left, but with his blonde-head that hung pointed shameful to the“ floor. Did he regret that he could not help my body temperature? He held his head high towards him. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and lazily strolled over to him.

"It was barley under a minute," he said, revealing no "species" of concern in his reply. Tanner cautiously embraced me in a heated hug, where I was feeling much better. Then I thought of June. Wouldn't she be freezing too?

"Wait, where's June?" I whispered in sudden realization to Tanner. Like he woke up from a long sleep, Tanner snapped his head up in front of him so fast, I was almost sure he could break it. He breathed in the clean night air, searching for her scent, winch he might have familiarized himself with the wonderful smell of her vanilla  shampoo (her favorite smelling shampoo).

"Arace!" he bellowed across the clearing mot the thick woods. The black Raven swooped down from it's perching spot and disappeared into the forest. Where was she going? Then the goddess-dressed sorceress emerged out of the sea of green. Her beautiful dress flowed down to her ankles, giving her a Medieval look, like a witch or evildoer, as she would be labeled. She could fit right in with the people at the time of princes and kings. Jet black hair made her eyes stand out and with her warrior-fierce expression, she sure was a show-stopper. She also turned back into her original form, keeping her clad in the gorgeous white gown. It made me and June, still on our PJ's look really low-class, as they would say in the Medieval era.

"She has fled into the forest, alone." Arace stated in her very important and mystical tone, walking back across, looking at is with no sigh of emotion." Foolish actions."  

Was she talking to me? I stood there in Tanner's arms, now uncomfortable and ready to remove myself from his strong grip, though I regretted to be once again cold. My sister? Ran away? It was unthinkable and a terribly drastic hypothesis to make with the so little information she had. Wasn't she still in the tree? She wouldn't dare climb down from such a frightening height off the ground, in fear of falling, as I did.

"D****T! I put her in that tree for a good.Reason!" Tanner exclaimed in great frustration with her. Man, did he have much to say to my sister.

"Tanner. Remove your arms from... May and go find the other Crealord,"she commanded. Tanner quickly released me with a slight anger, mumbling as he walked things like "who put her in charge?" and " she as no right to boss me around". They were childish complaints that lifted my crushed spirit a little, developing a small grin on my face. All the horrific things in the world, these creatures had to kidnap me and bring me into this strange conflict? They were still strangers. I hadn't been aware that Liam had sneaked beside me, so he startled me when he spoke.

"What's you're plan?" Liam said, crossing his arms over his chest. What were they going to take my sister and I now? Why didn't I run away when I had the chance? They kidnapped me and I should have a priority to escape, but it never came to mind. I thought maybe they were trying to help me. Or protect me. But why was it me that they needed? Arace strictly turned her head towards Liam.

"When Tanner come back, in the next three or so days, we'll go and search for the Gathering and present to them the two Crealords,"Arace said, transforming back into her bird form, and taking flight in midair I an C-path up and to the star-speckled night sky.

"Three days?" I chattered, beginning to freeze again from exposure to the night air. Liam chuckled in spite of my comment.

"She was exaggerating. She just doesn't expect Tanner to come beck for a while. The forest is her domain," Liam explained wisely. I stood blankly next to him, staring into the wilderness and waiting to see the face of my sister once again. I was scared for what she might encounter in her flee from the tree, though I was suspicious whether she ran. There was a different word I had in mind. Chased.

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