Chapter Two

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I laid against the bed, being pinned down by Christian, as he kissed me. I had my hands on his shoulders, slowly beginning to kiss back. I broke the kiss, pulling away. "Christian...I-I can't. You're with Ana." I told him, but then he gave a low growl. 

"You need to get that bug out of your ass. I ain't taking Skye, and you can't make me." He growled, my eyes grew wide, as he glared me down. I swallowed hard, and bit my lip. He freed my lip forcefully. "Bite it, and I'll bite it." He growled. I turned my head, quickly looking away. "Jaylin, why are you trying to push Skye onto me?" He asked, and I looked up at him. He got off me, and I sat up. 

"Because, I'm not a good mother." I swallowed hard, before looking up at him. Christian stared at me, waiting for me to continue. I bit my thumb, before looking at my lap. "I'm doing drugs." I whispered, and I could practically hear him tense, before he slapped me. I shrieked, and ended up slipping off the bed. 

"You're doing drugs?!" He shrieked, snapping at me. I looked at him, my eyes beginning to water. "What are you on?!" He snapped, and yanked my purse from me. He quickly poured out the contents, before finding a bottle of pills. "You fucking kidding me? Pain killers?" He grabbed my shirt, yanking me up. "You are so in trouble." He growled, and I whimpered. He sighed, and pulled me into his arms. "You are staying here, and we're getting you better, okay?" He asked, whispering to me. I nodded softly. 

After a little bit, Christian and I stepped out, before being blindsided by some woman. "You're cheating on Ana?!" She screamed, and I flinched. I grabbed my purse, and dug through it, when Christian gave a soft growl. I glanced at him, and he showed the bottle lightly. I swallowed hard, before stepping away. 

"Skye? Skye!" I called out, before she raced over to me, giggling. She smiled, and I lifted her up. I smiled, and kissed her cheek. "And to answer your question. I'm Christian's baby momma. Three years ago, we had sex, and I got pregnant. I ain't in love with him. I'm here because my daughter needs a father, and I need help." I growled, before Skye giggled, saying I didn't need help. "Yes, sweetie. Momma needs a bit of help." I brushed her cheek. She nodded and laid her head on my shoulder. 

I turned to them, and Christian walked over to Ana, before setting down my bottle of pills. "That was in her purse. She told me she's got a drug problem. " Christian sat down, and looked at me. I walked over and sat Skye on his lap. I sat down, and bit my lip. I saw Christian's brother, Elliot walk over, before sitting down, and grabbing my hand. 

"How did you get addicted?" He asked, and I sighed. 

"I was in a car accident. Luckily Skye wasn't in the car. I had major back pain, and evenutally, I had to have surgery, to realine my spine. But, by then I was hooked on the pills." I told them, slowly breaking into tears. Christian slipped his arm around me, and I turned, and buried my face into his shoulder. He sighed, and leaned his head against mine. 

"You're going to get better, Jaylin. And till then, you're staying here, with Ana and I. And Skye." He told me, and I looked at him. He gave a small smile, before giving a hiss as Skye shifted, and bumped him. I went to grab Skye, when he pinned me against him. "No need to move her. Her foot was pressing against it." He told me, and I nodded, before laying my head back down. 

"Not cheating, huh?" The woman snapped, and I sighed, before getting up. I shoved her, before storming down the hall. But then I came to an aburpt stop. I turned and glared at the woman. 

"You ain't a mother, whore. I busted my ass for nine fucking months trying to get Christian's attention to tell him I was pregnant. But I never got to. The asshole always found excuses. I busted my ass for three years, trying to raise my daughter the best of my ability, but I can't! I'm a horrible mother. I shouldn't even be here! I've been in the hospital three times for ODs! I was all on my own! Going from job to job, apartment to apartment!" I snarled, before Christian got up, and saw Skye on Ana's lap. "Don't, don't start it. I'm done. I'm done talking, done breathing!" I spun around and headed to a room, before entering and slamming the door. 

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