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"Christian! Skye and Ted are fighting!" I rose stiffly from my nap on the couch. It had been almost six years since Jaylin's death, and there were times I ended up down about it. But gratefully, Ana understood. 

"Get off me you wretched slut!" I heard Ted snarl, and I raced out of the house, and spotted them down in the meadow. I raced over and grabbed Ted's arm. "Daddy! Skye was taking my toys!" Ted cried, but when I looked at Skye, she was laying on the ground, curled around something. 

"Why did you take Skye's stuffed animal?" I asked, trying to hold my emotions back. Skye was wrapped around her mother's stuffed dog. The one she made Skye a long time ago. 

"It's mine!" Ted growled. 

"It never was!" I yelled at him. "That was Skye's now got to your room!" I shouted, and shoved him aside. Ted kicked the dirt, before racing off. I dropped to my knees, and pulled Skye to me. 

"Daddy!" She cried, holding the stuffed dog to her chest. "Ted tore Wolf Jay's head off!" She cried, and I brushed her cheek, promising her I'd fix it. She nodded softly, and I held her close, as she buried her face into my shoulder. I saw Ana and Phoebe walking over. 

"Ted is not allowed out of his room, he's grounded." I growled, picking up Skye. Skye shrieked, an I quickly sat her down. She cried out, saying that Ted had kicked and stomped on her. I sighed, and shook my head. "Right now, I'm totally regretting marrying you." I gave a hefty sigh, before shaking my head. "Jaylin, give me the strength I need." I whispered, and brushed Skye's head. Ana brushed my cheek, and I looked at her. 

"You're stressed because its the anniversary of her death. Just go inside with Skye, and take care of her injuries, before I call a family meeting." Ana told me, and I nodded, grabbing Skye's hand. We walked inside, before heading to to Skye's room. I took the stuff dog, and began to stitch it back up, before tensing. I felt hands grab mine, but no one was there. I gave a soft smile, and continued stitching up the dog. 

I turned to see Skye sitting on her bed, pulling off her shirt. I walked over, and brushed her belly. She had a small bruise on it. She shrieked, and pushed my hand away. "It hurts daddy!" She cried, and I sighed, before lifting her up, and sat her on my lap as I sat down. I brushed her thigh, before kissing her head. I couldn't believe my baby girl was growing up. She was even wearing a tweeny bra. "Daddy, momma, does she still love me?" I froze at her words. From a young age, I had told her that Jaylin died, and now I didn't know what to say. 

"Sweetie. Mom could never hate you, at all. She loves you deeply, more than anyone." I told her, and brushed her cheek, before kissing her forehead. She held out her hands, and I grabbed them, kissing her cheek. "I love you so much, Skye. You can come to me if you need anything." I told her, and she looked up at me, before giggling. 

"Okay!" She smiled and hugged me. I gave her a light hug, before she tensed, and gripped my shirt. I turned and saw Ted, Ana was behind him. 

"Go on, Ted, tell Skye what you told me." Ana breathed, and Ted glanced at her, before looking at us. 

"Your mother is Ana, and she's always been your mother. Why do you say that your mother wasn't Ana?" Ted asked, and Skye started crying. She laid her head on my shoulder. 

"Her mother died before you were born, Ted. Ana was never Skye's mother." I got up, and held Skye to me. "Sweetie you need to stop crying." I whispered before setting her down. She looked up at me, smiling. Just then, Ted lunged at her, and they fell. I balled up my fist. "That's it, Skye and I are leaving!" I yelled, and turned to Ana. "And divorcing you." I growled, which made her eyes widen. I pushed Ted off Skye, and helped her up. She was crying heavily. I grabbed Ted's arm, and dragged him out of the room, Ana followed me.

"You can't divorce me because of Ted's attitude." Ana growled, and I turned her to her. 

"You kept them a secret from me. They're not mine, right?" I cocked my head, and her eyes widened as she flinched. "I hate you, Ana. You made me believe I was their father. Who's their father? Jose? Jack? Elliot?" I asked, and Ana shook her head. 

"A friend of mine, Andrew." She muttered, and walked off, taking Ted with her. I returned to Skye's room, spotting her holding onto the stuff dog. 

A week had passed as Skye and I moved back into my old penthouse. Skye squealed and giggled as she raced around. I had given Ana the house, but we agreed on me paying for half of the house for a while. But right now, our divorce was pending, before it was finalize. "Daddy?" She asked, before walking over to me. "Are you alright?" She asked, and I knelt down. 

"Just fine, baby girl." I smiled, and she sprinted over to me, before hugging me. I hugged her, before kissing her cheek. I lifted her up, as I stood up. "Let's go make your room before it gets to dark." I smiled, and carried her to her room as she giggled.

I sat her down before we entered and began unpacking her stuff. Eventually, we unpacked everything. I stood putting away her underwear, before grabbing one. She shrieked, and grabbed it from me. I turned to look at her, and she tucked it under her bed. I knelt down, and grabbed it. She tugged it, trying to pull it from me, when I spotted the red stain. 

"Are you still bleeding?" I asked, and she looked at me. "Are you still staining your underwear?" I asked, and she nodded. I lifted her up, and carried her to the bathroom. I sat her down on the counter, before I stepped out, and grabbed a box. I carried it into the bathroom, and opened it, pulling out a small black box. I sat it on the counter, and opened it. I took her pants off, and chuckled, before tossing it down. I grabbed the clean pair from my pocket, and began to explain to her about what was happening. 

Eventually, she understood, and hopped off the counter. I stepped out of the room, and let her take care of herself. She stepped out, and looked up at me. "Thanks, daddy." She giggled, before hurrying to her room. I followed her, and helped her finish. 

After we finished up on the house, we curled up on the couch, eating pizza. I was happy to be with my daughter, even if it was just us for the rest of our childhood together. Skye giggled, and yawned. I slipped my arm around her, pulling her to me. No matter how short our life would be together, I would cherish every moment with my daughter. "I love you both. I wish your mother was still here, so it'd be just three." I whispered, and kissed her head, before curling up with my daughter, and closing my eyes. 

No matter how short our life was really, I would live it to the fullest with my daughter, Skye. And raise her just like her mother wanted me to do. 

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