Chapter Six

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I curled up with my pillow to my chest, Ana was laying with me, brushing my cheek softly. "Christian didn't have a right to do that. But you didn't have the right to do that, either." She breathed, and I sighed, gripping the pillow. 

"You're lucky, Ana. You get to make memories, while I have only past memories to relive. Christian cares more about you, then he has ever done for me." I muttered, and Ana blinked at me. "Christian never said he loved me, but he showed it. He and I, we had something. We spent years together, even when he slept with other women in his playroom. He never wanted to hurt me, and if I said no, he went for his submissive." I sat up, and looked at my legs. "I remember a time, when we laid on the bed, talking about what would happen if I got pregnant." 

"What happened to that?" She asked, and I laughed. 

"Life happened. I told him about my parents, and I began to run away from my family." I muttered. "For weeks, he'd send me money. One day, I returned, and found out he was with you. By then, I already had a kid, and I was in debt with myself. I regretted ever leaving him. But I can't take him from you. It's wrong." I looked at her, and sighed. "And that's why Skye needs you and Christian more. She loves you, and she loves Christian." 

"And she loves you." Ana snapped at me, and I glared at her. 

"I can't raise her like I want to. I'm useless!" I snarled, and glared at her, before Christian entered. 

"You're not useless." He snapped, and grabbed my shirt. "That life we had, was a lie. I played the part to please you. I wanted you so bad. I wanted to be in you. You were the best fuck I had, and when you told me no, I went to my submissives. But the one thing you never knew, was when I fucked them, when I punished them. I pretended they were you, because you never wanted to be my submissive." He growled, and I went wide eyed. "I never should've done what I did. But I did. And now I regret it. I'm trying to fix what I fucked up. And everytime you bring back the past. You ruin what I have done." He glared at me. 

I sighed, and looked down. "Why am I here then? I don't have any more chances for memories with you. You're with Ana, and that's final. I'm just a burden." I gave a soft whimper, before Christian sat me down. 

"Jaylin, if I didn't care about you and Skye, you wouldn't be here. You lost your job, you lost everything, and I ended up gaining everything." He told me, and I gave a soft growl, before shoving him. 

"No, you took everything. You took my love, you took my virginity, you took my daughter. You took my life. You take what you want, Christian. You play this good boy persona out in the real world, but here, you play the 'I'm a billionaire, so I get what I want' persona." I told him, and he sighed, before sitting beside me. "No, Christian, go. You two Ana. Just leave me be. I'm done with this, I'm done with being around. I just want to go back to normal." I cried, before breaking down into a coughing fit. 

Christian snapped at Ana to get me glass of water. I covered my mouth with my hand, wheezing heavily. "Jaylin, what's wrong?" He asked, and I looked at him, before shaking my head. "What is wrong?" He asked. 

"Go ask my doctor, he'll tell you." I rasped, before showing my hand. "I guess death is wanting me now, since he wanted me to live just a bit longer." I told him, and he blinked at me wildly, before getting up, and lifting me up. I watched him, before he raced to the elevator. 

"Ana! I'm taking her to the ER!" Christian yelled, before entering the elevator. He waited patiently, before turning to me. "Jaylin, why are you keeping so many secrets from me?" He asked, and I smirked. 

"Payback hurts, don't it?" I coughed, and he glared at me. "Grow up, Christian. I came back so Skye had a father who cared. I'm not surviving anymore, I'm done hiding. I'm done trying to stay alive. Just let me die." I wrapped my arms around him, before he gasped, and pulled me close. 


A few hours passed, and Christian carried Skye into the room. My body laid on the bed, as I wheezed and coughed. Christian walked over, and sat Skye on the bed. She laid against me, before sniffling. "Mommy, is it your cough?" She asked, and I nodded. "Are you going to go see Mama?" She asked, and I nodded. 

"Mama?" Christian asked. I gave a soft cough, before speaking. 

"My mother. She came around when Skye was two. Passed away about six months ago." I wheezed, and Skye laid against me, before Christian shook his head. "It's stage four, Christian. I got to have sex with my ex, I got to be a mother with my ex. I got to be with my family one last time. The one thing I never did get to do, was get married. But, that's a small trivial thing." I smiled, and wheezed, before holding out my hand. 

Christian took my hand, and smiled. "I'm so sorry about everything, Jaylin." He breathed, and I shook my head. 

"I have one last request. Remember those rings I saw at the jewelry store?" I asked, and he nodded. "Buy them. Place one on my finger, and keep the other one close to you, till Skye is old enough." I told him, and his eyes widened, before nodding. He leaned over, and kissed my forehead. "I don't think Skye should be in here anymore." I whispered, and he blinked, before I grabbed his cheek. "Christian, the truth is, is I still love you. And I'll always love you." I breathed, before my arm fell. 

Christian's body stiffened, before he quickly grabbed my cheeks. "I loved you too." He whispered, and kissed my forehead, before turning to Skye. "Come sweetie. Mommy's sleeping." He lifted up his daughter, trying to hold back his tears. Skye leaned against Christian who carried her out. Ana walked over and leaned against Christian. Christian leaned to Skye's ear. "I'll protect you with my life, my daughter. No one will take you from me." He whispered, kissing her forehead. 

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