Chapter Four

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I carried the very last box down to my truck, happy that I got all of them into the truck. Despite Christian's protest, I was leaving. And he wasn't happy. I looked at Skye who was in the truck. "If you want custody fight for it. Because I know damn well, I'll loose her." I locked up the box of my truck, before getting in. He grabbed the door, before I could close it. 

"Damn it, Jaylin. Don't leave. For god's sake, don't leave! I want to be with Skye! And you! And Ana." He grabbed my hand, and I rolled my eyes. 

"Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!" I pushed him back, before slamming the door hard. I started up the truck, before driving off. I headed down the road, sighing. I had gotten back in contact with my father, who made a deal with me. Since he owned an apartment complex, he'd let me move in for a while, as long as he gets to see Skye. But I didn't know if Christian would fight for custody. Or when. But I knew I had to be prepared.

And once I got there, my father helped me get my stuff in and helped me unpack my stuff. And just barely two hours after I got there, Christian appeared, with Ana. I swallowed hard, and looked at him. I knew he was here to for Skye. He walked over and sat down near me. He handed me a bag. 

"Take it. Now." He growled, and I blinked. I opened the bag, and looked at the day after pill. "Now." He snapped, and I got up, before walking to the bathroom. I grabbed the small box with pills, and took one. I sat the rest on the counter, before stepping out and watching him play with Skye. I went wide eyed, before quietly walking over to Ana, who was as astonished. 

"He told me that we had to come here." She whispered, and I looked at Christian, who chuckled as Skye leaped at him, giggling. I bit my lip, and walked over to Christian. I knelt down, and he looked at me. 

"You can leave now, Christian. I'm not in the mood." I told him, and he blinked wildly, before sighing. He grabbed my hand, and brushed it softly. 

"How about this, I get weekends with Skye? Or maybe weekdays? Or how about this. Since I work days, you should work nights, so I can have Skye at night, and you can have her during the day." He smiled, and I bit my lip, before giving in. 

"I have to work tonight, so..." I looked at Skye, who pouted. "You get to go with Christian, and play till morning." I smiled, and she nodded wildly. I smiled, and walked over to Skye's stuff before packing a bag. Skye was telling Christian about my job, and how I dance for a living. I quickly flinched, and heard snarls come from my father and Christian. "Skye's never with me! She's either with a neighbor, or coworker. And never at the club!" I spun around, before seeing Christian in front of me. 

 I swallowed hard, and he grabbed my shirt. "You strip to pay the bills?" He growled, and I shrugged. His eyes were blazing with anger. "You strip to pay the fucking bills?" He snarled, and I let my head fall. "God you're so stupid." He snarled, before letting me go. "I can't believe you let your daughter be in this lifestyle of yours." He muttered, and I bit my lip, trying so hard not to cry. I turned, and walked to the bathroom, and shut the door. "Jaylin!" Christian called after me, but I locked the door. 

I sat down on the toilet, finally crying. I was so upset at Christian, but I couldn't help it. Sometimes you have to give into stripping, than into some office work. I brushed my tears away before the door opened, and Skye scampered over to me. I lifted her up and held her close. "Don't cry momma!" She giggled, and hugged me. Christian walked over and ruffled his hair, before walking over and tugged me up lightly, before hugging the both of us. 

"I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, Jaylin, it's're letting men see your body, and I guess I was just a bit upset." He breathed, before pressing his lips to my hair. "I felt as if you're setting a horrible example to your daughter, but I understand it now. I understand you struggle to even control your addiction, you struggle to help your daughter." He grew silent, before arms wrapped around us and I spotted Ana. She smiled and I laid my head on Christian's chest. 

"How about we keep up this schedule for a while? Then maybe after a week or so we meet up at a park, and hang out for a while." She smiled before I nodded. I looked at Christian, who nodded and kissed Ana's forehead softly. 

After a little while, we got Skye ready before heading down to Christian's car. I held my bag for work to me, before Ana got Skye in, before getting in. I looked at Christian who brushed my back. "No matter what, I'll always love you." He whispered, and I kissed his cheek, before kissing Skye's head, and walked to my car. "Have fun!" Christian told me, and I laughed. It was kind of ironic. Normally it was the men who watched us women dance having the fun. 

I climbed into my truck, before starting it up, and driving off. I was kind of upset at myself for even letting Christian find out about my job, but at least he was supportive of me. Well, I think he's supportive of me. I just wonder what'll happen later tonight. 

I got to the club, and hurried to the back, before meeting up with a couple of girls. They were giggling, and smiling. I greeted them, before going to my dressing spot, and got changed. I dolled up before hurrying to the manager. She was swapping out girls. 

"Your turn, Blue." She told me, and I nodded. My stage name was Blue Jay, and it was kind of sweet, I suppose. I hopped onto the stage, and walked to the pole, before doing my normal routine. I watched the money fly, and I would pick it up very seductively, making sure I got extra tips, which were making me money. 

But just as the night started, a group of men walked in, and walked over to me, before showing their badges. I scrambled up the rest of the tips, before pointing to the back room. I hurried back, and hurried my money into my normal box, before pulling on my silk robe. I made sure the money was out of my outfit, before the cops walked over to me. 

"Are you Jaylin Rose?" They asked, and I nodded, before they sighed. "Your daughter's father is worried about what you are exposing your daughter to." I gave sigh, and shrugged. 

"What? You gonna say I'm unfit to be a mother? I'll have you know, my neighbor, or a coworker stays with my daughter at my place, not at the fucking strip club!" I growled, and gave a sigh, before looking down. "Go on and tell Christian he can keep my daughter. At least he has the means to make sure she's got a roof over her head, and food in her belly, and clothes on her back." I spat, harshly, before knocking everything off my table. I sat down on it, and covered my face with my hands. 

I heard footsteps, before a shrill cry for me came. I turned and saw Skye racing over. Ana followed her. I knelt down, and Skye wrapped her arms around me tightly. I lifted her up and held her close. I stood up and looked at Ana who gave a soft sigh. "Christian doesn't know we're here. He's asleep, too much wine." She told me, and I sighed. 

I brushed Skye's head, before hearing Christian's growl. He stormed over, and I sighed. "You took Skye out of the apartment, to a strip club?" He asked Ana, and I gave a sigh, before kissing Skye's forehead. I turned to my beg, before slamming down a folder. 

"Sign it Christian." I growled, and he blinked at me. "Now!" I ordered, and Chrsitian walked over to me. "Don't ask, just sign it." I growled, and he sighed, before opening the folder. He pulled out the paper and signed it. I sat Skye on the table, before grabbing her cheeks. "Skye, I need you to stay strong. I love you so much, and I need you to understand that I love you deeply." She cocked her head and I hugged her. "You're going to be staying with Christian for a while, I take care of a few things." I told her. 

I leaned back, looking at my daughter, who went wide eyed. "Mommy? Why?" She asked, and I sighed, before Christian took her. "No! Mommy!" Skye cried out and I took in a deep breath. 

"Skye, I need you to be strong. I'll take you home soon." I smiled, and she nodded, before I watched them leave. I turned and saw my manager walk over. "I did what I thought is best for her." I told her and she brushed my cheek, before sighing. 

"You're doing well going cold-turkey. Christian must have a good hold on you." She smiled, before I nodded, and sighed. "How about this, you head home right now, and get some sleep. Come my tomorrow night, and you can work a double-single shift." She told me, and I nodded. 

I got ready to leave, and I hurried out. I could see Christian's car still here. I ignored it, and walked to my truck, before hopping in. I started up the truck, and drove off. I had to hurry home, before I broke down into a mess. But what could be worse? Me breaking down, or me losing Skye? 

I slammed on my steering wheel, before crossing the intersection. The green light turned to yellow as I entered the middle, but then everything came to a screeching halt.

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