Chapter 4: Natsu .vs. Pitch!!

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Hello everybody I'm back
that chapter 2 was a nightmare it got cut short so I had to fix it uhhh it killed me! XD 😭😭😭 but I'm ok now and now I'm writing ur new chapter chapter 3: Natsu vs Pitch (the one ur reading!!!!) ! 😄😅😃😆😉😊 Anyway on with the story 😘😘😘!

Laxus' pov!!

The next day !!!!

"So today's the day that Pitch and Natsu are going to fight! This should be fun!" Freed said standing outside where everyone else was waiting for the fight to begin some people were betting for Natsu some for Pitch.

"So who do you think will win?" I asked
"I think Pitch will win!" Bickslow answered
"Yes so do I," Freed said
"Yeah Pitch will definitely win!!!!!!!!" Evergreen said
"Ok then we all think the same thing that's good!" I said
"You know even if she doesn't win this she'll still become a part of the team anyway!" I said
"Why's that Laxus?" Evergreen asked looking at me.
"We need more strong people and I can tell Pitch is strong from looking at her after all she walks around this place with no shoes on and there's toons of stones around this place so yeah I'm shocked that she hasn't hurt herself yet!" I said and Evergreen nodded
"Yeah ok I get it now!" Evergreen said turning back around to Pitch and Natsu who were now standing in the middle of a huge spaced out circle

"Let's have fun Natsu!" Pitch said smiling showing her sharp canines!

"Yeah of course!" Natsu shouted smiling showing his own sharp canines!

"Begin!" shouted Erza.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" Natsu shouted as he charged at Pitch but she didn't move instead she blocked it easily with her shadows!

"That all you got Nastu!?!" Pitch shouted
"Fire Dragon's Fire Claw!"
"Shadow Dragon's Shadow shield!" Pitch shouted and a bundle of shadows came from the ground and formed in front of her ultimately forming a shield (Pitch has Rouge's spells too but way more of her own that only she knows! And they were made up by me!!)

"Fire Dragon's Roar!"
"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"

Fire vs  shadows!
Orangey flames vs black shadows!

"Wow! Pitch is really good!" Bickslow said watching the fight in awe as Pitch dodged every attack Natsu threw at her Natsu dodging all of hers as well!

"Shadow Dragon's slash!" Pitch shouted
"Fire Dragon's Crushing Fang!" Natsu shouted and was able to hit Pitch
The attack sent her flying back onto her back causing her to moan from the pain but she got up again quickly and ran straight at Natsu pulling her Fist up as if she was going to punch him but at the last second she shouted,
"Shadow Dragon's Blade!" Her Fist turned into a sword and Natsu just dodged it, they were panting now from the amount of magic they had used!

"Your good Pitch I'll give you that!" Natsu said

"Thanks your pretty good yourself Natsu!" Pitch smiled back both still panting.

"Wow! Their really going at it aren't they!" Mira said

"Mira you ain't seen nothing yet! She's not even using all jer !magic on me!" Nastu said

"What Pitch isn't using all of her magic?!" Bickslow asked shocked

'How much magic does she have if she isn't using all of it now because she's already this strong and she's not even going all out!?!' I thought.

"Wow you caught on quickly Natsu I guess I was trying to be a little too convincing!" Pitch giggled and stopped panting showing that she wasn't really out of breath!

3rd person pov!!

Everyone stared at Pitch some in amazement and some in shock

"Pitch if this isn't your full power how much were you using?" Gramps asked. (Gramps is Master Makarov!)

"Oh about 20%!" Pitch smiled, swinging her tail around happily.

"What only 20% but you went up against Natsu head on!" Panther Lily said shocked.

"Yeah anyway let's continue the fight!!" Pitch said getting into a defensive position.

"Yeah let's do it but this time go full power on me and I go all out on you too!" Natsu said smiling showing his teeth

"Of course!" Pitch giggled.

"3, 2, 1, BEGIN!!" Gramps shouted.

"Shadow Dragon's Shadow Scythe!" Pitch shouted and a black shadow scythe appeared in her right hand!
"Fire Dragon's Wing Attack!" Natsu shouted attacking Pitch with his flames!

But Pitch stopped them moments before they even touched her by swinging her Scythe once!

"Wow!" Wendy said," Pitch is amazing!"
"Yes she is child," Carla said watching the fight continue!

Natsu landed a hit on Pitch which made her drop her Scythe which disappeared after it hit the ground Pitch growled when it vanished and swiftly kicked Natsu in the stomach sending him fly backwards then she ran at him again!

"Shadow Dragon's corrupted sword!" She shouted and a normal sized black sword appeared but it wasn't made of shadows it was solid with shadows radiating off of it!

"What the!?" Natsu said before jumping above the sword that was being swung at him at a high speed (to be precise 7 hits a second!)!

The fight continued for a few more minutes both Natsu and Pitch casting various spells the fight ended in the both of the punching each other in the face and both of them falling over from exhaustion! They lay there panting on the ground the both of them had went all out!

"Congratulations Pitch your now a member of the Thunder Legion!"  Laxus said walking over and picking her up and giving her a piggyback swinging her arms over his shoulders.

"Hey I can walk by myself Laxus!" Pitch moaned lightly moving her right arm to lightly hit Laxus' back with her fist she did this a few times before giving up and swinging her arms back around Laxus' shoulders.

"Yeah sure Sais the girl who's leaning on my back because she's too weak to even sit up straight," Laxus said, this time Pitch just huffed and turned her head away a little and Laxus smirked.

"Hey Evergreen, Freed , Bickslow come on we're going on a mission it'll be a long one so let's go back to the house and pack some stuff for it!" Laxus shouted to the rest of the Thunder Legion.

"What a mission now but we can't Pitch needs to rest!" Freed said earning a glare from Pitch.

"I'll be fine! I just need some sleep and I'm good!" Pitch said sticking her tongue out to Freed!
To be continued........
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