Storm Temple of Thunderforge

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Gravelyn and Dage gave an announcement to Kitri and Gamzati, along with a small battalion of undead soldiers and legionnaires. They were discussing about the plans of Chizet, Gomfalion and Mortimer. Planning to send more coordinates to follow the tracking rune cast on the Tears of the Mother, the participants of the meeting were set in standby.

"We have word from the people that Alteon sent to the Venom Vaults," Gravelyn announced. "The Tears of the Mother have been temporarily "stolen" by Lionfang, with a tracking rune cast on it to allow them to follow where he is headed currently. Sir Valence has also been ordered to return to Swordhaven to aid King Alteon."

"We need all of you to be alert and please be ready for a message," Dage mentioned. "We will receive word from Chizet when the three of them have arrived at Lionfang's destination."

"And what exactly are we supposed to do when we arrive there?" Gamzati asked.

"Lionfang is approaching to where he is planning his final attack on Drakath," Dage answered. "What we require you to do is assist Gomfalion, Chizet, and Mortimer as they fight Lionfang and the remaining soldiers of the chaorrupted Golden Onslaught, before the tears are wasted on Drakath."

"Noted. Allow me to lead the battalion," Kitri requested.

"No problem," Gravelyn said. "Be careful out there, Lionfang has gained much power from Drakath."

"Thank you, empress Gravelyn," Kitri said.

Kitri and Gamzati stayed in Shadowfall, waiting for the arrival of Lionfang at his destination. After a few hours, an announcement came and they were sent to follow Gomfalion. While that was happening, the three who were chasing Lionfang reached the place as well, where they had to climb an incredibly steep mountain in the strong rain showering over Thunderforge.

The three men struggled to climb the dark mountain, with their vision being blurred by the rain. Lightning struck over the mountain, causing debris to fall. Just when all thought they would fall to their death, a female Darkblood in black clothing appeared before all of them.

Mortimer was surprised. "Madra?"

"You should never climb alone, heroes," Madra said, bravely.

"Thanks for saving our lives but what are you doing here?" Gomfalion asked. "Shouldn't you be in Falguard, unifying what's left of your people?"

"I'm here for my people," Madra replied. "Our remaining seer foresaw you all falling off this mountain."

"You came to save our lives?" Chizet asked.


"The heroes will fall to their death when climbing a mountain alone in the rain," the seer said.

"That sounds about right," Madra agreed.

"You should save the heroes, Primarch," the seer suggested.

"Remind me why," Madra ordered, unconvinced.

Then the seer held up a crystal ball showing a scene of his fortune about the heroes' death.

Madra then convinced herself. "Alright! I'm going, I'm going."


"You can say that, I guess," Madra replied to Chizet. "You all still have to work as the Darkbloods' chosen avengers."

They reached the top of the mountain. As they peeked through the mountain top, they saw a giant dark temple, shining in the rain and in the lightning that was striking behind them.

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