The War for Swordhaven

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The thousands of arrows began to fire themselves onto the chaos army, killing minority of them. After the first shot, Valence gave the next order.


The archers loaded their bows.

"Take aim!"

They pointed their arrows up, aiming far.


The arrows were released, and as they hit the ground, they killed another group of the chaos army.

After that shot, the chaos army began to go closer and closer to the walls.

"Gomfalion, go!" Ahmes said. "It's time you go behind the castle wall."

"Got it," Gomfalion said. He jumped off the castle wall and formed a portal, and as soon as he passed through it, he ended up behind the castle wall's gate.

"What's up everyone!" Gomfalion exclaimed. "Prepare. The forces are nearing the gate."

"Already?" Kitri asked.

"Yes, they are moving faster that we thought they would," Gomfalion stated.

"We have to prevent them from attacking the heart of the castle!" Chizet said.

"Exactly. They closer they get to the castle, the worse Alteon's infection will be," Gomfalion said.

Suddenly, there was a bang on the gate. It was the chaos army, attempting to break in.

"Prepare, everyone. As soon as the gate breaks, we charge forth," Chizet ordered.

And banging on the gate continued. The gate began to crack, and it broke open. The soldiers charged forth, and the other side defended. It did not take long for the all the chaos forces to go inside Swordhaven. This forced Gomfalion to call on everybody from on top of the wall.

"Senoworuya!" Gomfalion said, opening a portal transferring him to the top of the wall.

"What's going on now?" Ahmes said.

"It seems all have gone too close to the wall," Rufus said. "Let's go down."

"Yes, and I have a plan for you all," Gomfalion said. "All mages go down and join the close combat. That includes you, Ahmes. All the archers go on top of the roofs of the armory and the archives. That is where you can do your firing."

"Noted," Gonvar said. "Let's go!"

They went down to their designated places and the archers went into an improvised formation.

"Fire at will, archers!" Valence announced. "Make sure not to fire at your allies! I'm trusting all of you!"

The archers all randomly took aim and shot perfectly at the chaos forces. Although the resistance was fighting back successfully, the chaos army never seemed to decrease in number.

"Keep up, knights!" Gomfalion announced. "The army doesn't seem to be decreasing! Keep up and prevent them from entering!"


The army was going close to the castle door. Gomfalion screamed to the highest volume of his voice.

"DEFEND THE KEEP!" he yelled.

Kitri ran up to Gomfalion, and they spoke to each other while fending off their foes.

"I can hear King Alteon's screams even with the noises of the battle," Kitri said, as she smashed her staff on a chaorrupted soldier and shot a fireball at it.

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