The Gathering of All Armies

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Gomfalion woke up to find himself in a relatively dark room somewhere in shadowfall. He got up from his bed, beginning to question himself.

"Is this it?" He asked himself. "Am... am I-"

"Dead?" a voice interrupted. "Nope, you're alive, and healthy."

Gomfalion looked up. He saw a man in red, and he had a big white patch wrapped around his stomach. He had red long hair.

"Chizet!" Gomfalion exclaimed. "Um, how long was I out?"

"Two weeks, as they said," Chizet replied. "but I only woke up three days ago."

"Oh. I see."

A horn suddenly blew out in the distance. Gomfalion was alarmed.

"What was that?" Gomfalion asked.

"Don't worry, that's just Gravelyn calling the legions for and announcement," Chizet said. "You ready to get straight back to work? All armies around Lore are going to gather for the final battle against Drakath."

"I feel quite strong, but we shouldn't push it just yet," Gomfalion said.

"Come, let's go to see Gravelyn. She'd be happy to see you're finally awake," Chizet said. "And here, eat this, to fill you up for the day."

Chizet handed a pack of several dried fish. Gomfalion put it inside his robe pocket. They all headed to the outside of the castle, only to find the rest of the people, including Gamzati, Kitri, and Dage. Gravelyn was in front to make an announcement.

"Gomfalion, you're alive!" Gamzati exclaimed.

"Reunions later, everyone," Chizet said. "Let Gravelyn talk for a while."

All did as he said. Gravelyn began to announce in front of all the legions.

"Shadowscythe! To me!" Gravelyn announced. "The king has fallen, and the good faction of the alliance is... Scattered. Scared. Thrown into a chaos of their own. If the world is going to be saved, WE-"


"Are going to have to represent the forces of good in the alliance!" Victoria announced in Swordhaven, as the new queen.

"But, your majesty," a random night said. "Your sister and brother-in-law are also raising forces."

"Don't you think I know that! Of course they are!" Victoria said. "I've had dukes, counts, mayors, and pigmen vowing allegiance to me. To us. Since... since my father died. And then running right into Tara, or that - that Brentan..."

"You are the rightful ruler!" a knight said. "The eldest remaining daughter of Queen Lynaria."

"And you don't forget it! Now. We've had a very difficult decision to make," Victoria said. "We must leave Swordhaven for a time."

The knights muttered. "But the throne! The rebels! They'll try to take-"

"My father gave his life on the battle against chaos. We will do no less!" Victoria announced. "And that we must go to Shadowfall. We cannot fight a war on two fronts. To save Lore, we must leave Swordhaven... For a time. It is what he would have done. Send for Gomfalion and the others! I have a message for the empress of the Shadowscythe."



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