A Similar Battle

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Many years ago, Alteon fought to bring peace around the realm of Swordhaven.

Many had to re-die before peace was won.

Alteon fought bravely against many... MANY undead foes. Merciless, he relentlessly destroyed every undead soldier that dared cross his way, screaming battle cries that sounded the whole realm of Swordhaven.



Once the battle for Swordhaven was over, Alteon's reign was filled with a happy land and the frenzy of raising a family.

His queen, Lynaria, remembers...

"Ah, love, the war is finally over," Lynaria said. "Forget the battles and the old wounds. Rest. Now is the time for peace, and to teach our daughter how much depends on maintaining it."

But peace does not last forever... Nor do queens...

Eight years later, Alteon and his family are left to mourn.


"You will be a great queen someday, my girl," said a younger Alteon to a child Brittany. "Your mother would be proud of you, and so will I."

"B-but she's GONE!" Brittany cried.

"Yes, she is, and I am so, so sorry," Alteon said as he hugged his daughter. "But her legacy lives on in her daughters. She lives in you."

"I don't know how to be a queen!" Brittany cried.

"I will teach you everything. You will grow to be wise and strong," Alteon said. "And I... will not let anything harm the land and family she loved so much."


"No. It doesn't end here," Chizet said. "We have to make sure that chaos will not harm the walls of Swordhaven."

"Quick! Let's bring our research to Gomfalion and the others," Kitri said.

"Denara, thank you for you help. We must go now," Chizet thanked.

Kitri and Chizet rushed all the way to the armory where everyone else was preparing their defenses. Gomfalion made a quick introduction to Ahmes, Gonvar, and Rufus, then they spat out all the informative words from their mouths.

"Chaos forces are most likely marching from the west," Chizet said.

"They are very high in numbers," Kitri warned. "How do we stand a chance against them?"

"We have armed the peasants just a while ago," Ahmes said.

"I'm not sure if melee combat is going to work against them," Chizet said. "They have cavalry. Chaorrupted horses. They even have airborne forces, attacking from the sky."

"Then I assume archery and sorcery is the only way out," Gonvar said. "Rufus, quickly go and fetch Sir Valence and the whole Archer battalion. Go. Quick!"

[Book 2] Land of Corruption: The Great Truce (AQW)Where stories live. Discover now