Quick Note From the Author

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Sup guys! Hope you're all enjoying my stories. You may have noticed that my publish schedule has been quite slower than the usual. Well, it's because... Life's been hectic, yanno? School is quite stressful, and there are other artsy things that I have to do also. Lol.

(yes if you're wondering, I'm a dancer and schedules are like crazy jxdkdkdkk but yeah I'm enjoying it anyway)

Also, you might be wondering who the mysterious characters are on the "To Take Down a Friend" chapter. And I won't tell you who they are! Lol! Only few people can go to me and press my spoiler button. (Like my fellow writers BobHadStrings and Airships. Sup dudes.)

Anyways, Pls bear with my schedule! I'll update as fast as I can, but not rushing... And I'll quickly find the mood to write each time. Ok bye dudes see ya.

-Rofall C.

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