December 8th, 2016

453 30 69

Lindsey and I were walking down the hall together to stop by my locker before lunch. When I opened my locker, Lindsey started talking about how there was a test in calculus today and that it was 50 points or something, I toned her out and placed my books in my locker so I wouldn't have to carry anything until after lunch when I would come back to pick up the stuff.

"Here comes Charming." Lindsey whispered in my ear as I looked down the hall to see Tyler running towards my locker. I instantly blushed as people stared at me when he stopped Infront of me.

"Hey, um, Laura." Tyler started, running a hand over his hair, looking down at his shoes and then back to me. "So tonight I was going to come over to work on that project, but I didn't know what time.. and I thought it would be a good idea to get your number in case I wanted to come over on the weekend too?" His cheeks flushed with color as he avoided my gaze. I blushed harder, my insides turning with excitement.

It's just for the project, Laura!

But why would he be embarrassed?

"Oh, uh, yeah." I said, tucking my behind my ear. "Let me write it down." I added, ripping some paper off of a random piece of paper in my notebook. Tyler nodded as I jotted the numbers down and handed it to him. I smiled and he mumbled a thanks to me before running back the way he came.

I looked at a smirking Lindsey who held her hands up to quote her next words. "Work on a project." She said, emphasising two of her words, hinting to something most likely way off from what we would be doing.

I slapped her, earning a laugh from her as she turned in the direction of the cafeteria.

A little while later, my phone buzzed near the end of lunch. I looked at the screen to see an unknown number, the message reading;

Testing 1234 :)

I smiled and texted a reply.

Tyler I assume? :)

I waited for about five minutes, my phone buzzing again saying;

Bingo :-)

I laughed and tucked my phone in my pocket, not bothering to respond right now. I studied for the calculus test a little in lunch, but I decided to focus on just that for the rest of school until I took the test and got it over with.

| ° • • • ° |

4:00 good?

Yeah, sure! :)

K, cya soon

I was texting Tyler a bit after school. I decided we were most likely going to put the tree up and decorate it. I had all the stuff out, Phil helping me with taking the tree up the basement stairs for me, saying he was going to help us.

Currently being 3:42PM, I decided to go downstairs to wait for Tyler to come over. I skipped down the stairs and ran over to the couch where Phil was sitting. Jumping and plopping right next to him, I earned a grunt and eye roll from him as he watched another Hallmark movie. I never understand what is so interesting about them, I mean yes there are cliché endings and situations galore, but the only reason I would watch one would to make fun of it. Phil scooted over and placed his feet on top of my lap, making me glare over to him, at his new smirking face.

The doorbell rang and I quickly pushed him off me, somehow causing him to roll off the couch and land on the floor? I started laughing as I ran to the door and opened it. Tyler appeared with his usual smiling face.

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