Decmeber 9th, 2016

370 34 21

"No way." I said. Lindsey nodded, smiling her usual cheery smile. "Since when?" I asked her.

"Uhh, since last period when Mr. McGee said so!" She squealed, dancing in her small black flats that matched her red short dress. "You'll have to have me over! A whole week off before Christmas can get you bored."

"Well, I do have to work on that project with Tyler." I smiled a bit as I placed my books in my locker. It was lunch time, but me and Lindsey were running a bit late.

Lindsey smirked and slapped my arm. "Laura! You are too young to have children!"

I froze and felt my face heat up. I looked at Lindsey from the corner of my eye and then back to my locker. I hate when she makes inappropriate jokes about Tyler and I. I can't even picture him holding my hand. Is that weird?

I cleared my throat trying to ignore the now giggling Lindsey. I closed my locker and turned to walk down the hallway to the lunch room, Lindsey following. Lindsey nudged my arm as she walked beside me now.

"Come on, Laur! You know I was joking." She says, smiling widely at me, making me blush more as I tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"Yeah, well.. you making me think about ever doing anything with Tyler has that effect on me..." I mumbled, watching my feet as Lindsey giggled, grabbing my arm pulling me to her a bit, but as soon as I looked up I bumped right into the thing she was trying to get me to avoid. His shoulder bumped me and caused me to blush of embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh!" I said, a little too anxious. "Tyler, I'm sorry! I wasn't looking at where I-"

His laugh cut me off as he scratched the back of his head. "It's cool, Laura." He spoke to me nonchalantly.

"A-Are you sure?" I stuttered to him, Lindsey squeezing my arm and making me stand a little straighter.

"Yeah." He said, smiling to me and nodding to Lindsey. "Ill see you tonight, Laura. I have to get to class." He said, pointing over his shoulder before waving and turning to continue walking.

"Nicely done, Laura the cherry!" Lindsey whispered yelled into my ear before turning me to walk towards the lunch room.

I rolled my eyes at her and rubbed my cheeks to try to clear the color from them. "Why am I your friend?"

"I'm amazing, duh?" She said, shrugging it off and linking arms with me and nearly skipping the rest of the way.

| ∆ • • • ∆ |

I was sitting at my desk finishing my homework for plotting dots on this graph or something. I'm usually good at stuff like this, but I was a bit distracted by what Tyler said.

I'll see you tonight, Laura.

Did he mean he was coming over? What time? Maybe I should text him..

I placed my pencil roughly on the paper and leaned back in my chair, slouching.

"I don't understand this crap.." I said to myself, staring at the paper and then to my open notebook from the few notes I took in class.

I shouldn't text him first... He might think I'm desperate to hang with him.. Oh no.. Does he already? What if he doesn't like hanging out with me?! What if we fail this project because of him disliking me?!

I groaned and placed my elbows on my desk with force and buried my face in my hands.

You're stupid to think he would like someone like you, Laura.

I sighed and peeked through my hands and looked over to my window. Little flecks of white slowly falling from outside. I gasped and pushed my chair back, making it fall backwards to the floor before I ran over to my window to smile out at the soft snow. I placed my hand lightly against the glass, staring at it. The glass was a brisk cold, making a hand print into the cold marks on the inside of the glass from the chilly temperatures lately.

I was startled when I heard my phone ring from my bed, the weird spring noises set as my ring tone, softer from the speaker being covered by my blanket. I jumped onto my bed and picked my phone up to look at the screen.


I stared at the screen for what seemed like forever as I slowly slid the answer button to green, pressing the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked into the phone.

"Hey, Laura?" I heard Tyler's voice on the other line, noises in the background sound like he was in a car or something.

"Tyler?" I asked.

"Yeah, hey." He responded, the smile obvious in his tone of voice.

"What's up?"

"Well, I'm close to your house from the store, and I thought I could come over?" He paused, chuckling nervously from what it sounded like. "I have ice cream."

"In that case." I chided, joking with him. I smiled and laughed lightly. "Sure, I'm free. You can help me with this stupid plotting homework."

I heard him sigh and chuckle again. "Mr. McGee?"


"Sounds good. See you soon."

"Alright, see ya'." I said, hitting the end button and turning my phone off.

Ice cream with Tyler?

I smirked as I thought about it, waiting patiently for the doorbell to ring from up in my room.

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