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AN- Hello everyone this story isn't ordinary so if you dont like books that have violence, drama, sex, and inappropriate language. Please do not read.

Those of you who like these type of books. Please enjoy like and comment on each. The first person I will be introducing is Alex.

Alex is sort of a player. Alex has black hair, brown eyes, and is a little above average height. He most times wear hazel contacts so he doesn't have to wear the dorky glasses he had back in middle school. He lives with his mom Ms. Ruth. Everyone calls her Ms. Ruth. No one understands why but they do. Alex last name is Paterson.

I know such a boring name but thats his name. He is 17 going on 18 and he always gets what he wants from his mom.

The next person I will be introducing is Twan. Twan has dark brown spiky hair with hazel eyes. He doesn't need to wear contacts like Alex. He got Alex to buy the contacts during the summer before they got to high school. Alex has two step sisters. A 17 year old sister named Cara. And a 19 year old sister named Liz. They both have a thing for Alex and for some reason Twan too. Twan just recently turned 18 a couple days before the party really started.

Cara is very pretty. She is like the Barbie all pink everything and does she care hell nah. She has a part time job and gets herself stuff with that job.

Liz is very pretty as well. Liz is the tomboy she hangs out with Twan and Alex most times when they don't have school. Liz is attending online college because she said she ain't got time for that on campus life.  She has a job that pays really great and she mostly buys her, Twan mom and Twan new clothes and shoes.

Next chapter is the beginning. Bye everyone see you in chapter 1

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