Chapter 20

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(An~sorry it took so long for this to come out had a lil of writers block but I'm back and this gone be a long one for the time I've been gone 😘😘)

Twan's POV

So it's been a week since I last shown myself to you good people. Lemme tell y'all what's been going on. Yes it includes what I refused to tell y'all last time so get ya popcorn ready.

So what keeps me out so late is my new job. Don't get mad at me or anything like that but I've been out selling for this guy I owe money to. This is how it happened.


Shit I'm outta weed. I call my plug and he tells me to meet him at the park so that's exactly where I go. When I got there I was out of breath and tired as fuck. Man I must be getting fat, I can't even run no mo, need to get back in that gym soon.

When I got there I texted him and he said he would be here so I waited under a tree in the shade cuz its hot as fuck out here. A black Escalade pulled up to the park and out came Michael or as I call him my plug.

I dapped him up as we started walking around the park to make this deal less obvious. He had already given me the weed with the DAP and I, him the money in one quick exchange.

"Yo bruh where the rest at" Michael says counting the money.

"What you mean, it's all right there in yo hand" I say cracking my neck.

"Nigga the price got raised, ain't u heard" Michael says looking ahead at some people walking past us.

"U ain't told me that bruh, when the shit get raised" I ask after the people walk past.

"Yesterday" Michael says.  "Now when u gone have the rest" He continues pulling out his phone as he tells me the new price.

"Man I'm broke right now it's gone be bout a month or sum before I can come up with the rest" I say getting ready to pass him his shit back so I don't get bodied.

"I ain't gone wait no damn month for my money" He says scratching his beard thinking. "Aye maybe you can do something for me" He continues after a minute.

"What we talking bruh" I say not in the mood for no freaky shit. I just want my weed.

"Work for me" Michael says texting as we get close to his car.

"Hmm can I think on it" I ask scratching my face knowing I'mma have to shave again.

"Yeah you can think on it without my weed" Michael says starting to get irritated.

"Ight fine, I'll do it. When you want me to start?" I say cuz I really need a high right now.

"Tonight. Don't play games with me either" Michael says getting in his car and driving off.

I know exactly what he meant too. I play with him, I'm as good as dead. I know Michael don't play games, I heard the rumors. So I head home and go take a nap after lighting a blunt.

I wake up to my phone going off. I look and see its JyRo calling. "Yo" I say in a deep voice.

"Damn u tryna turn me on with that tube ass voice" JyRo says through the phone.

"Not really but you can take it that way though" I say sitting up in bed.

"You wanna come over and get this dick?" JyRo asks getting straight to the point.

I look at the clock and it's damn near midnight and I got things to do ion know when tonight. "Sorry I got some stuff to handle right now" I say sadly cuz I been missing him for a good lil minute.

"Damn, well lemme know when you ready to hop down. I'm missing that ass" JyRo says making me regret this whole ordeal I have to go through tonight.

"I will, lemme hit you up later" I say trying to get off the phone so I can check the message that just came through on my phone from Michael.

"Ight" JyRo says after a minute obviously  not happy to be getting off the phone.

I hang up after saying bye and check the message left by Michael on my phone of an address and a time to be there.


That's exactly how I got in this mess. It's been like this for the last two weeks all over some weed. I ain't told no body bout this and I don't plan to. Don't want my people to be brought down because of the dumb shit I got myself into. I'm bout to take a nap bye y'all.

Alex's POV

Ugh, I'm so fucking tired bruh. I'm ready to go crawl in my bed, school annoying as fuck. I just dropped Marcie off and headed to Roxanne house, she texted me asking me to come over for some reason. 

Pulling up over there, I look around the neighborhood that I hadn't been to in a while. I get out and walk up to the door and knock. Someone comes to the door after a while and opens it and I see some guy at the door.

"Who are you" He asks trying to intimidate me.

"Who the fuck are you?" I ask being intimidating back. Ain't no body bout to make me out to be no pussy. "Where Roxanne" I ask looking over his shoulder since she told me to come over here.

"What you want with my bitch" The dude asks. 

"She ain't no bitch you piece of shit" I say before pushing past him and into the house.

"Who the fuck you think you is" The guy says before turning me around and trying to swing at me but he misses before I come back with an uppercut to his jaw. He stumbles back and tries to charge at me but I dodge him like he's a bull. 

"What the fuck going on in here" Roxanne yells coming in between us.

"Who the fuck is this" Says ole dude glaring at me.

"It's Alex baby I told you about him remember, he my brother" Roxanne says scared. Oh so this the nigga that been beating her ass. I move her out the way.

"You the one the who been beat in her ass" I ask cracking my knuckles getting ready to knock his lights out.

"Oh so you run yo mouth to your brother now little bitch" Ole dude yells at Roxanne.

I two piece his ass and he stumbles before gaining his footing. I ain't big but I got a strong ass hit. He ate that shit and tried to come back with his own swings but I dodged him. He too damn slow for me.

I kick him in the nuts and he hunches over and I kick him dead in the face and he goes back so I start kicking him in the side til he spits up blood. "Punk ass bitch" I spit at him. "Rox I'm leaving I gotta go before yo little boyfriend be dead ight" I say and walk out the door.

I'm already fucking tired and I just had to beat a nigga ass cuz he wanna play big bad wolf like the fuck.

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