Chapter 4

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I open my eyes to see Stacy laying in front of me. Soon after I realize we are on the floor. I sit up some and see everyone laid out every where. I get up and check the time while rubbing my head. I have no clue where my pants are I know I had them before we started the games.


I had just started a shots game. Each time I said something that someone had did before they would take a shot. Everyone was taking turns saying different stuff. So far I had just taken 6 shots. Yeah I know don't say it. Twan has had 4 shots, Sara had 3, Liz had 7, and Cara had 2. Cara, she is freaky yet she hasn't done much.

Everyone had their own games but we all played the same thing. I'm ready to get in the pool now. "POOL TIME" I lead everyone to the pool and we all got in. I grabbed Stacey and picked her up as she wrapped her arms around me.

A lot of people including me got in the pool naked because no one expected there to be a pool lol oops. Besides I'm too drunk to make it upstairs. Stacey started to fidget against my dick and idk why but it got hard. She looked me in the eyes and got off of me.

I got out the pool and laid on the floor in the living room. I looked at the lights then out of no where Stacy jumps on me. I don't know where everyone is now but I'm sleepy. I fall asleep.


I walk around the house slowly picking stuff up. Its 10, mom should be here a little after 2. As I passed people I kicked them awake and kept on cleaning. My mom ain't bout to beat my ass. Not today!

I'm surprise it's not as dirty as I thought it would be. Interesting. That's odd. I check the rooms upstairs for any condoms and find them in the trash.

Who the fuck started cleaning the house?

I stand in one spot and find Sara going round cleaning. I grabbed her and hug her. "What's the hug for?" "You started cleaning. I thought I was gonna have to do it by myself so thank you I hate cleaning" "uhh you welcome stop being so emotional"

I release her from the hug and continue cleaning. By 1 the house is clean and not littered with sleeping people. I put the furniture back and go in my room to sit on the bed. I'm 18 now. Im officially 18. What the fuck am I gonna do with my life.

Well first off, gotta go get my hair cut. Gonna have a small party tonight just with the family to celebrate my birthday. No it's not my idea. You already know it's my mom who wants this not me.

After I shower and put on some clothes, I go downstairs to see mom and Mr. Harrison walk in the front door holding hands. Tf is this shit. Mann I swear she betta not be falling for this clown.

"Hey son. Had fun last night" Mom says with a big cool aid smile on her face. Oh this bitch went and got freaky with this dude too. "I should be asking you that" I say folding my arms. I turn around slightly as I hear footsteps coming from the bathroom. Twan is standing there rubbing his hands.

"Hey everybody" Twan says like the dumbass he is. "Hey boi. Alexander you have no right to question me. I'm your mother not one of your lil friends" My mom said glaring at me.

"Dang what I walk into y'all" Twan said still clueless. "Nun bruh u gone come with me for this fresh ass haircut I'm finna get?" I ask him pulling out my phone checking the time. 2:30 pm.

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