Chapter 22

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Marcie POV

Oh my head hurts. I sit up and look around confused where I am. So far I think I'm in someone's living room. I look down at myself and see in still dressed, that's good, ain't nun weird happen last night.

I stand slowly and walk around and see a whole bunch of people on the ground around me. I get a closer look and realize, it's them. Twan is in his underwear, ass in the air passed out on the ground. JyRo is next to him in shorts, shirtless, laying in a puddle of throw up, gross.

A little farther away is Roxanne who is missing a shoe and her dress is off half at the top showing her bra. I look around some more and find DeeLo and RJ on the couch cuddled up together, I wonder how that happened. I still haven't found Alex, I wonder where he is cause everyone else is here.

I walk into the kitchen and step over some random bitches naked on the ground and go to the fridge and grab a bottled water before stepping back over them and back into the living room. I then head upstairs and go into the first room since the door is open and see Alex staring out the window at something as he smokes a blunt.

"Babe what you doing" I ask walking up to him. He turns around and his face relaxes as he sees me.

"Hey baby, I couldn't find you last night after you left me in here what happened" He asks putting his blunt out.

"A lot, trust me it will take some time for me to explain it all to you" I say laughing but immediately stops and grab my head.

"I see you got a hangover, want daddy to take care of you" Alex asks with a smirk on his face.

"That is not gonna help with a headache and you know it" I say smacking his arm.

"Why you abusing me girl" Alex says holding his arm like I actually hurt him.

"Let's go wake everyone so we can get outta here" I say grabbing his hand.

We make our way downstairs and Alex kicks Twan and JyRo awake not really wanting to touch them while I poke RJ and DeeLo awake. They stir and look at me then at each other and scramble away from each other quickly.

Twan groans in the background and then I hear footsteps like they are running and I see Roxanne running past and to the bathroom. I can hear her throwing up from here. She must have woke up while we were waking everyone else.

Oh and Roxanne and I are on good terms now cause of the party. Right before we got piss drunk she lead me away from the party and we had a nice chat. I thought at first she was trying to kick my ass but she kept her hands to her sides the whole time while speaking to me.


"Can I speak with you please?" Roxanne says grabbing me before I can tell her no and bringing me over to one of eh rooms and closing the door behind us then locking it.

"What are you doing?" I ask worried that she wants to kill me for being with Alex. Ain't she just his best friend though? So why would she...?

"Calm down. People like to have sex in these rooms and like to just walk in a lot without really caring about someone being in here unless they fucking" Roxanne says walking over to the window while I stand still.

"What do you want?" I ask leaning against the wall.

"I wanna talk to you" Roxanne says looking back at me then back to the window.

"Alex is.. Never mind what you want to talk about?" I say. I was trying to make an excuse saying Alex is probably looking for me but I know he is probably still in the room being lazy after I put it down on him.

"I'm his best friend so of course I gotta inspect the girls who get past the hoe stage" Roxanne says catching my attention.

"How many have gotten past the hoe stage with him?" I ask kinda feeling jealous that I might not be the first.

"Yeah one... You" Roxanne says smiling at me as she leans against the window seal.

"Are you serious right now?" I ask in total shock. He has had nothing but hoes before me, that's a shock all in it's self, how is this possible, he is too sweet and kind to just only let one girl in.

"Yes I'm dead serious. I haven't seen him get close to anyone like he does with you so we need to talk" Roxanne explains as she wipes the smile off her face putting on a serious one instead.

"Okay" I say quietly afraid if I answer wrong I may have to fight her. I can handle myself but I'm a lover not a fighter if you get what I'm saying.

"Alex is like a brother to me, since he has no sisters I am the closest he's got so what do you want from Alex" Roxanne says in a serious tone crossing her arms and watching me.

"I want nothing but his love. When I first met him, he only seemed like a fuck boy who was down to fuck anybody anywhere at any time. When we did it the first time, he showed exactly that but I hung around him more and realized that he is actually sweet, kind, and caring. I like that about him and I just wanna be around him all the time" I say with a smile as I think of all the times he ran out to get woman stuff for me, all the time he brought me food and when I was sick he stayed by my side to make sure I was okay.

Roxanne doesn't say anything for a while and then stands up straight and walks over to me. She better not start a fight with me. I will knock her ass out if I have to now. Roxanne places her hand on my shoulder.

"And you better mean it too cause momma Ruth don't play about her son you got it?" Roxanne says and I nod and her serious face is replaced with a smile.

"Welcome to the family sis. I apologize for how I acted earlier in the car, I didn't know Alex big headed self had actually found someone he cares about and judging by how he held you so tightly earlier proves everything. Now let's get outta here and back to the party and get WASTED!!" Roxanne yells wasted and ushers us out the room and we start drinking together getting completely drunk and dancing together.


And that's how me and Roxanne ended up on the floor of the living room this morning, I wonder what happened to the others.

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