Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
I didn't want to let his lips leave mine...I felt a certain kind of way today.

Maybe a little needy and clingy, which I would have said was perfectly understandable after the shenanigans that went on last night...but also...I felt my naughty side coming out that little bit more. Maybe last night had left me in that 'don't give a shit' mood and I felt a little more rebellious...I wasn't going to lie...I wanted him.

I gently took his bottom lip between my teeth and felt as he quivered and heard as he almost silently groaned.

I peeked a glance at him, my eyes were previously shut, now his were too. I tugged his shirt a little in a motive for him to follow my actions.

I laid down slowly on the sofa with my head on an armrest...I persuaded him on top of me where he obeyed and our intimate kissing continued. I placed fingers on his neck and began to trace around in circles on his flesh...the thing that turns him on the most, well, according to Tito...

Almost immediately he became more passionate, his kissing got rougher and he grabbed one side of my waist with a hand, his other hand keeping him up.

My thoughts drifted back to when we were in Manhattan...things got sort of adventurous and he finally let me trace my fingers over that big bulge he had going on...I remembered those facial expressions and his reactions...I wanted that to happen again. I wanted that to happen...and more.

But I already had a cunning plan up my sleeve in order to hopefully get that...but that had to wait until tonight.

Michael's P.O.V.
Being on top of her, kissing Not only made me yearn for her ever more, but it made me want her. Made me want things to happen. Like they almost did in Manhattan.

I often catch myself thinking about that moment, where she brushed her fingers over my was the first time I had let anyone that was the first time I witnessed somebody else's touch.

I loved it. And if I loved that gentle touch on the can only dream about what Grace could do if I let her access all areas.

Ive wanted to let her, Ive wanted to let her for a while. I want her. There's no denying that, she sends me into overdrive and she knows what to do to get me going. I want what happened in Manhattan...and more.

I just wish I had the confidence and the courage to let her, nobody except myself has seen my full naked state...I'm embarrassed and scared...but I want it, god I want it.

Maybe later, I could make things happen? Something happen? I could feel a naughty side to me being born, something that was not there when I didn't know Grace. Her flirtatious and teasing ways were imprinting on me...I was thankful in a way, it was giving me confidence in an area I never thought I would gain.

I pulled back and stopped kissing her sublime lips for a brief moment, her eyes slowly opened, she was exquisite.

She smirked, she knew we were both getting excited. I didn't want to be a killjoy and stop all of this but I also wanted to save myself for later...if anything was to happen.

"Do you wanna watch a movie?" I asked, hushed and slightly out of breath.

There was a mischievous glint in her green eyes as she nodded, "You choose..." she smirked.

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