Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
Michael had managed to run away from Cheryl and sat back down next to me, still giggling a lot.
Cheryl eventually came back, still banging on the frying pan but seriously out of breath.

"I feel like a proud Mama..." she wheezed, "I need to make you two a damn celebratory breakfast!" She danced, swaying her hips.

Mike had sneakily grabbed my hand under the table and was holding it as we watched Cheryl make her magic.
Soon enough, she slid two plates of food in front of us, "There ya go. I call this the 'Michael Almost Got Laid Last Night But It Still Calls For Celebration' breakfast." She gave me a wink as Michael hid his face in his hands.

We dug in, since being here Cheryl had not made a bad plate of food, she was a great chef, I wanted to take her home with me!

After we had eaten, Michael turned to me, "Hey. I've gotta go back into the studio for an hour or so today, but I was wondering if you'd like to come with me? Meet Quincy?" He smiled.

I beamed at him and started to nod eagerly, "Yes! Yes I would love to come!"

He kissed my cheek, "I was hoping you'd say that. Ray will be here in half an hour to pick us up."

I was excited about finally going into the studio with Michael, I had been lucky enough to have him all to myself since arriving here but knew at some point he would have to go into work, I couldn't wait to see how he created his magic. I was also really looking forward to meeting the legendary Quincy Jones, after all, he had worked with Michael on Thriller so I had no doubt that the follow up album to that would be a piece of perfection too.

"Hey babies, you know if you want this old lady out of the way any time so you can get down to the dirty, just tell me to go. I will go and kiss your feet on the funky way out, I'm telling ya!" Cheryl suddenly said, cracking me up once again.

Even a smile escaped Mike, "Okay, thanks, Cheryl." He said with a playful unimpressed tone, dragging me out of the kitchen with him.

"I hope you're not going to be bored, it's not going to be as interesting as you think, especially not today." He shrugged as we walked back to our bedroom together to get changed.

"Why? What are you doing today?" I asked, intrigued.

"Just recording a few lines for a demo and trying some mixes..."

"Then I certainly won't be bored!" He had gone into his closet to search for an outfit, I leaned against the door frame with my arms crossed, "Y'know, since I've been here you haven't sang at all, not even a little bit." I teased.

He glanced at me, smirking, he then walked up to me with a shirt in his hand and poked me in the stomach, "Is that so?" He replied, sarcastically.
He knew all too well he hadn't even sung a note.

Not that I was complaining, but I did really want to hear him sing properly...

I got changed into something rather casual, just some black jeans and a T-shirt, Mike in his signature black trousers, red shirt and fedora combination that I adored.

I'd applied a little makeup, if it was just going to be me and Mike I wouldn't have bothered but seeing at though I was meeting Quincy today, I thought I'd make a little bit more of an effort, I didn't want him thinking that Michael was dating some kind of gremlin.

Exiting the bathroom once I was done I saw Mike waiting for me near his bedroom door, he held out his hand for me to take, which I did. He pulled me into him and he kissed my cheek, "You look cute..." he used the hand he was holding to spin me around, making me giggle, "Come on." He gave my hand a squeeze and we made our way downstairs.

"See ya later, Cheryl!" Michael called, waiting for a response.

"Bye kids! Have fun! But not too much fun..." she added, cackling to herself.

We waited outside in the warm sun for Ray to turn up, sitting side by side on a wall.

The happenings of last night still fresh in my mind and every time I looked at him I got a shiver down my spine and could picture his sublime facial only made me want more, but I knew to be patient.

((Hi everyone! I know a lot of you know this story from when I posted it on Instagram, just thought I'd let you know that I have now posted all of the parts on here that are on Instagram, ALL parts from now on, including this one, are newly written and have never been posted anywhere before, hope you enjoy, thank you so much for always reading and commenting, it means a lot <3 ))

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