Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
In the bedroom I put on some shoes and grabbed my bag, making sure I had some money in there.

I eyed up the bed and couldn't help a little smile escape my lips when I thought of what could happen tonight.

I walked back down the hallway, I was staring down at the floor but could feel his eyes burning through me, I glanced at him before making my way for the door. But suddenly, I felt a hand around one of my wrists, pulling me back, he span me around sharply and he caught me just as I was about the crash into his chest.

"Careful there, Baby Gurl..." he almost growled as he held me in a ballroom dance stance. I could smell his cologne and the products on his was actually bloody amazing.
"Hurry back..." he said with a naughty side smile present on his face, he leaned down and kissed me on the lips.

I breathed out hard, not being able to wipe a grin off my face, "I will."

I opened the door and disappeared through it, closing it behind me and stepping out into the cool outdoor air.

It felt nice on my skin, I looked out, the sun was just starting to set.

I began to make my descent down the many flights of stairs of this immensely tall building.

Everything seemed eerily quiet, the steps were littered with trash and smelt funny, but like I thought before, this was the perfect hideout for Michael.

I finally reached the bottom and found my way out into the streets, everything was shades of brown, dusty, sandy, there looked like there was a lot of abandoned old homes here. I walked up the street, not actually knowing if there was a shop nearby but I carried on walking anyway. This was the kinda town you would expect a Wild West movie to be shot in.

Eventually, through twisting and turning through multiple streets I found a little shop, a run down place but it still had character.

I pushed open its door, a bell ringing as I did so. I had not seen a soul as I had been walking here so to see the shopkeeper was something of a blessing.

"Well...I ain't seen you around here before..." an old man in a yellowed white T-shirt and an old dusty cap said.

I span around to see him sitting behind the cash register.

The bug eyed man stared at me...making me feel a little uneasy.

I span back around and made my way over to the bread, picking up a loaf for breakfast.

"Umm...I'm just passing through..." I said hesitantly back to the shopkeeper.

"You should be careful. Not a lot of people make it out of the other side of this place..." he said, a disgusting smirk on his face as he watched me swan through his shop.

I went over to the alcohol aisle, "Oh, is that so?" I said, wanting to get my stuff and get out of there fast.

He responded with a gruff chuckle.

I picked up the largest bottle of whiskey they had, I contemplated getting two, but settled for a big bottle of vodka instead, I grabbed a 12 pack case of beers too...and just for good luck, a pack of toxic coloured shots.

I tentatively went over to the counter with my mother load.

"Somebody looks like they're gonna be busy tonight." Said the sly old shopkeeper eyeing up all the bottles.

I nodded my head in response.

"All the alcohol and a loaf of bread? A bit of an odd combination..." he was so old his speech was tortoise pace.

I tried to make a joke to make light of the awkward situation, "Need something to soak up all the alcohol..." I smiled nervously.

He bagged up my stuff and I handed him the exact amount of money.

I started to back out of the shop when the shopkeeper perked up again, "Hurry back to where ever you're going...a young girl like you don't wanna be out after dark in this place. I assure you that."

I didn't respond and instead hurried out.

The streets were starting to get dark as the sky was turning a shade of indigo, I would have usually stopped and marvelled at the colour of the sky, but after what that old man just said, I practically ran back through the streets.

The bags were heavy what with all the bottles and were slowing me down, but thankfully, I got to the bottom of the steps of the tower block in no time at all, practically sprinting up them.

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