Be Careful What You Wish For.

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Still Grace's P.O.V.
"I think that's enough for tonight, don't you? I don't want you to pass out..." I said softly, giggling at his shell shocked face. I could tell he still didn't really know what had just happened. Either that, or he couldn't believe it.

He chuckled again, I slid on to the mattress next to him where he propped himself up on an elbow to look down at me, he struggled a little.

" body already aches...I didn't even do anything..." he giggled. "What about you?" He continued.

"What about me?" I asked.

"Don't you wanna...umm, I feel like I should...r-repay the favour..." he stammered, nervously.

I broke into a grin, "Don't be silly. It doesn't bother me. I just wanted to please you tonight." I tapped his nose with my finger.

"I know but-"

I cut him off, "Hey...there's no rush. We have all the time in the world, we don't have to do everything in one night!" I grinned at him, persuading him to lay down next to me in the pitch black room.

Even just laying in the same bed as him naked had its own type of intimacy.

"Okay...but I'm not just gonna be a taker." He said naughtily.

The next morning I awoke with such a blissful feeling, the feel of Mike's arms wrapped around my body and just an all round positive vibe. I gently sat up in bed, careful not to wake him. I had to hold back a giggle as now, in the morning daylight I could see various pieces of clothing thrown everywhere from last nights shenanigans.

I slipped out of bed and tiptoed to the bathroom, picking up a clean pair of underwear and bra on my way there and putting them on.

Ruffling my hair in the mirror, my head was ever so slightly sore...possibly from Mikes tight grip on my ponytail last made a tingle travel down my spine at the thought of what happened and a grin spread across my face.

I watched as the bathroom door was pushed open and in walked a tired and bed-headed Michael fresh from his slumber. He came up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and putting his chin on my shoulder.

"Well good morning to you..." he croaked.

"Morning..." I smiled.

He nodded towards the mirror and I looked to see us both in the reflection, it was a cute image.

He spoke, "Look how good we look together..."

After getting dressed we both headed downstairs hand in hand. What happened last night had already made us closer as a pair, things were almost sickly sweet and when either of us looked at the other we both cracked into a giggly smile.

"Well good morning to ya, sugar babies!" Cheryl sang as soon as we entered the kitchen.

As soon as she looked at Michael her expression changed to a suspicious one as if she already suspected something had gone off.

"And umm...what's going off with you?" She waved her hands in front of Mikes face.

"What do you mean?" He giggled.

"You got some kinda glow about ya, boy. Did y'all take each other's clothes off, hmm?" She eyed us both up, her giant blue loop ear rings jangling.

I was dying of silent laughter whilst Michael was dying of embarrassment.
He gave me a side glance and pushed his tongue in his cheek as an expression of defeat.

"Well?!" She yelled.

I cleared my throat in a hope to get her attention and whilst Michael was trying to hide his beetroot red face she glanced at me and I gave her a quick blowjob motion with my hand and tongue...all the while killing myself in hysterics.

She pretended to stagger backwards and hold on to the kitchen side, "Ooohhhh! Ooohhh!" She screamed through the house clutching her heart.

I was almost a heap in the floor.

Michael gave me a look as if to say, 'look what you've done' when he must have figured out that I had given it away to Cheryl what we had done last night.

"I can't-! I can't-! Oooohhh! I need a medic!" She wheezed, slapping the kitchen surface.

She rushed around to me and clumsily curtsied in her huge multicoloured dress, "I bow down to you, baby! You did it. You're the only one. The lord knows how hard I have tried to get this boy to take off his damn shirt but you went further." She rushed around to Mike who looked like he wanted the earth to swallow him up, she playfully began to slap him in the arm, he tried to run away but she kept coming, "I told ya, boy!" As she chased him around the kitchen she grabbed a frying pan and swung it around, slapping on it like a drum, "I'm gonna throw a party. It's a damn ass revolution!"

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