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danisnotahetero: when phil goes to work with you

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danisnotahetero: when phil goes to work with you

pjthedj: still cant believe you guys KISSED

danisnotahetero: i still cant believe how cute phil looks in his glasses

phil.lester: do your work

danisnotahetero: alright adios

~phil pj pm~

pjthedj: are you gay for dan

phil.lester: ?

pjthedj: ple ase

phil.lester: im confused right now okay?

pjthedj: no i get it
pjthedj: just got out of a terrible relationship

phil.lester: but if you're asking if i wanked to the thought of dan howell in bed
phil.lester: i absolutely did

pjthedj: of course
pjthedj: i used to think you were innocent philip

phil.lester: you thought wrong biNCH


jackaboy: i love being pan
jackaboy: i love it so much
jackaboy: i love mark
jackaboy: i love signe
jackaboy: i love them both so much
jackaboy: im so grateful
jackaboy: i love you guys

phil.lester: stop being sappy its 10am

jackaboy: neVer

phil.lester: i love you too jack
phil.lester: you are very nice

markimoo: back off of my boy

jackaboy: ive melted
jackaboy: "MY BOY"

markimoo: its bc you are my boy

jackaboy: yesyyeysysyeyeysyyeyeysysyeyeydysyeyeydyysyeyeyysyeyee

phil.lester: jack had a seizure

thomassanders: i hate timezones this is all yur guys' fault

phil.lester: thomaS
phil.lester: hi how are you

thomassanders: its 7am

phil.lester: ): im sorry

thomassanders: ugh everything is fine
thomassanders: wait im gonna add my litty titty friend hes cool

phil.lester: oh god okay

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