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Being stuck inside with nothing to do can make any man a lunatic. Perhaps that's why Mulder is so "spooky". Instead of giving him any substantial work, Skinner had Mulder transcribing old audio recordings in the basement. And to make things even worse, the gas station by his apartment had stopped selling sun flower seeds. Instead Mulder had settled for a little box of nacho cheese flavored wax worms. As Mulder munched on those monstrosities of a food, Scully greeted him.

"Still in the dog house, Mulder?"

"It could be worse."

"Whatcha got there?" Scully asked pointing to the box of wax worms.

Mulder smirked before revealing the label: Hank's Worms, EXTRA CHEESY

"Dear god Mulder! Why would you eat those?" Scully said as a genuine look of disgust crossed her face.

"I leave for two minutes and-"

"Scully this might surprise you, but they're actually delicious." Mulder said laughing. "You haaave to try them."

He brought the box up towards Scully's face when she smacked it out of his hands. It flew across the room sending out a spray of wax worms.

As Mulder started picking them out of the carpet, Scully sighed,
"Sometimes I just wish I could make your decisions for you."

Mulder kept his head down and smiled to himself. When he picked up the last of the worms, he threw them in the trash bin.

"Honestly Scully, I would probablly be a lot better off that way."

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