•Fancy Shoes•

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Mulder parked his car outside of the diner, already spotting Scully's fiery hair in a nearby booth. He felt sweat on his hands as he turned off the ignition and took a second glance into the diner.

Am I a coward or just and idiot? Could it be both? I've never had an issue with women, but Scully isn't just any hot chick. She's my best friend, my coworker, the only person that keeps me on the rails. Who would Mr. Spooky be without Mrs. Spooky? Nothing, that's the answer.

Mulder chuckled angrily to himself.


He ruffled his hair, got out of his car, and strutted towards the booth in which Scully sat.

"What took you so long?"

"I'm early!"

"No," she smirked, "you're late and I already ordered for you."

"My apologies, Scully. We can't all be as anal as you are about being on time."

"Hey," Scully frowned at him playfully.
"I'm the only reason we ever get anything finished by the deadline. You should be thankful."

Mulder grinned and drummed his fingers on the table. "What did you order me?"

"Curly fries and a slice of Key Lime pie."

He let out a loud moan and Scully whacked him on the shoulder.

"Mulder what is wrong with you? The whole diner is staring at us!" Scully hid her face in embarassment. "Why do I even bother?"

"You shouldn't have ordered me such an erotic meal! You know how Key Lime pie gets me going," he wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

Scully snorted. "I hate you."

He looked up to meet her gaze, challenging her to a silent staring contest. She broke first, tilting her head back and laughing heartily.

It's nice to see her like this.

A young waitress arrived carrying the food and drinks that Scully had ordered, nearly spilling her soup before setting it onto the table.

"She must be new here," Scully grumbled, giving the woman a glance as she left the booth.

"Wow! Someone's feisty."

"No. I just--"

"You must be jealous of her glamorous waitress job. Getting all jazzed up to come here and be hit on by old men all day. Whatta' gal."

Scully ate more of her food quietly.

"Is there a reason you're being more cocky than usual?"

"Oh no. Just covering up for my deep-rooted insecurities, that's all. I think I have daddy issues."

Scully choked on the food she was eating.

"What?" His tone sounded playful and defensive.

"You're just..." she smiled to herself. "Funny."

The two sat smiling at eachother, trying to talk about anything but work. The patrons that hadn't left the diner, had assumed that the agents were a couple, making comments to eachother about how cute it was. As more and more people left, Mulder and Scully became the only remaining customers, too wrapped up in their conversation to notice the waitress wiping down tables.

"I'd like to close up in ten minutes, if you folks wouldn't mind," she smiled.

They split the bill, Mulder left a tip, and they both headed out to the parking lot.

He was unsure of how to say goodbye, knowing that he would see her at the Bureau tommorow, but not wanting to go just yet.

"Are those new shoes," Scully asked, pointing downward. They looked like every other pair he owned. It was a wonder she even noticed.

"Yeah. Fancy aren't they?"

I wore them just for you.

She was too tired to say something witty, so she opted to ignore his question and walk towards her car.

"Goodnight, Scully," he looked after her.


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