•At the Hotel•

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A tacky lawn chair supported Scully as she sat at the edge of a small pool. The whole room stank of chlorine and grime was visible between the blue tiles.

"Mulder, I think you'd be better off swimming in a sewer," Scully said with distain.

He chuckled, kicked off his sandals, and cannonballed into the chemical water.

Scully had taken along a stack of field notes to finish, but she found herself much more entertained by her idiot swimmer. Lap after lap she watch him swim, unable to look anywhere else. The water splashed onto the deck. When he paused, thoughts slowly filled her mind.

I've never known anyone who's this good at wasting time. Somehow, I'm always sitting, doing our work, and Mulder is off in dreamland. Not a serious bone in his body.

Even to herself Scully's thoughts sounded cynical. She desperately wanted to goof off, to do things other than work. Being carefree was not something that came naturally.

As soon as the idea crept into her mind, Scully was at the edge of the pool rolling up her slacks. Her legs gently dipped into the water and she was content.

This is fine for now.

"My god, is Dana Scully actually trying to have fun?" Mulder swam over to her. "I didn't think you had it in you."

"I'm full of surprises," Scully smiled at him.

"Yeah. You are." He winked, badly.

Scully suddenly felt bitter and looked down into her lap.

What is it in me that always wants to impress him? I don't need Mulder to like me.

She pulled her feet out of the water and rushed back to the lawn chair. Her shoes were back on, field notes in hand before Mulder could protest.

Just as she got up to leave, the glaring fluorescent lights clicked off. The room was dark, completely windowless.

"Mulder, what's happening?" Where are you?" Scully panicked.

She could hear the water moving followed by footsteps.

"Scully," Mulder called.

"I'm over here."

Two hands abruptly collided with Scully's shoulders and she gasped in fright, only to discover that Mulder had ran into her on accident.

"Oops. Sorry," Mulder breathed. "The light was on a timer."

He took Scully's hand and they felt their way to the timer fastened to the wall.

When room was again illuminated by the blinding lights, both agents let out a sigh of relief.

Scully has not realized how close she stood to Mulder. His breath hit her cheek gently. Mulder stared at the cross Scully wore on her neck, willing himself not to kiss her.

A wistful expression grew on his face.
"Let's head back to our room."

Scully could only nod in agreement and hand him his towel.

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