Moving On...

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"what do you mean, leaving?" Arthur asked Freya. 

"Arthur we have grown close and we will see each other once more but i have been destined to guide Merlin aid him in preparation for your return. Your time is almost over Arthur but like  with every reward you first must be tested"

Arthur and Freya were standing looking at each other when slowly, Freya began to glow like an angel. Slowly the wall behind her opened up and the water of the lake parted as she slowly arose to the top. Arthur felt a tear role down his cheek he wiped it away in the days they had spent together she had become real friend of Arthur he could see why Merlin liked her.


Merlin was wondering around the lake he was starting to lose hope that Arthur would ever return. He sat with a bowl of strawberries on a picnic blanket with a small bun with white icing on it along with the bun and strawberries sat Arthur's old chain-mail stuffed by pillows. from his pocket Merlin produced a candle. He put it in the top of the bun. He glanced about before using his magic to light the candle. He quietly hummed the tune of happy birthday to himself. This was such an upsetting time of year for Merlin he never told anyone why. people expected it to be because it reminded him of how old he was but the truth is back in Camelot Merlin never truly celebrated his birthday and tomorrow is the anniversary of Arthur's death...

He slowly allowed a tear to roll down his cheek he let another but he could not hold his pain back much longer he blew the candle and curled up and cried. When suddenly he felt a hand on his back soothing him. He feared it was someone coming to take him away someone that he didn't know but when he looked up he saw a girl her face looking very familiar. when he cleared his tears who else could it have been but Freya. He embraced her harder than anyone before then he took a step back. She died how can she be back? She sat down almost as if she could read his mind as she answered his questions about why she has returned and what they must do now. After a long conversation of pure joy the day soon drew to an end and slowly Merlin began to pack up he walked withe Freya filling her in on the last details of what has changed.

They came to Merlin's door giggling like two teenagers staying up past curfew. Merlin fumbled with his keys and opened the door into the  empty blackness. they stumbled in taking off scarfs and coats and then into the living room Merlin switched on the lights to a almost bare room they sat down with left over strawberries and watched TV until they fell asleep...


Arthur had never felt more alone in his entire life. He could only wish for anyone, anything to keep him company. It wasn't long after he had huddled himself in his cloak when he noticed the stone on the alter was glowing. He walked over to it and saw merlin and Freya cuddled and smiling fast asleep. Then Arthur heard a noise. He turned around and there on the floor. Were  two people both unconcious. Mordred and Gwen. He could not believe it. He was overjoyed.
This (he soon learnt) wouldn't last...

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