Will things ever progress??

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Merlins P.O.V


Arthur began to lean in trying to encourage me on. The pressure was building, "I just want you to know how happy I am to have you back." I mentally slap myself, I really, REALLY like Arthur but I don't think he would ever feel the same way. I mean back when I first knew him being gay wasn't something that was really acknowledged let alone talk about. I sigh looking at Arthur's smile. It seemed off as if he was disappointed at what I said as if he was wanting me to say something else. 

I smile back hoping that these pizzas would get here soon. The awkward silence formed around us, but soon enough the awkwardness faded and became the silence we once had. Comfortable and reassuring.

Arthurs P.O.V

I sit there leaning in encouraging Merlin to open up about what has been clearly playing on his mind for a while now. I am really hoping he will look at me like I have hoped he would for so long. I often dream about it, waking up beside him his sleepy eyes slowly opening a goofy grin slowly forming as he quietly mutters a "Good morning" to me as he then leans in to meet my lips... 

I really wish I knew what these feelings were. How far they ran? But more importantly, if Merlin reciprocated those feelings.

"I just want you to know how happy I am to have you back." I lean back. I try to smile but itis difficult when I had expected the moment to go in a completely different direction. I had always thought Merlin would like me more than just a friend, clearly not. As we sat in a comfortable silence I began to let my mind wander to think about how tonight would've gone had Merlin felt the same way I do.

"I need to tell you, Arthur... You may not feel the same way and... or you might not want to be friends with me after but..." I bring my hand into his and smile. "I know Merlin, and I feel the same way I do."

We would kiss under the stars and he would take me home and... The rest would be history.

I smile thinking about it, but then a waiter comes and spoils the moment. "Is there anything else I can get you?" 

"Just the bill please," Merlin says, the waiter walks away and I look at him with heavy eyes. 

"Let's get you home to sleep, before I have to carry you home" Merlin chuckles and I comply, and before long I am fast asleep in my bed dreaming of him. I don't know what these feelings mean but I do know they are sending me through an emotional whirlwind.


Merlins P.O.V

I stood in the doorway as I watched Arthur drift off into a peaceful sleep, I smile at how adorable he looks. NO!  I can't think of him like that. He will never think of me like that. How could anyone? I feel tears prick in my eyes as I walk away into the comfort of my own room. Letting the dark hide me from the rest of the world. 
He is from a completely other time, being gay isn't something that would ever be comfortable with! I'd be surprised if even knew what the word meant. 
I collapse back onto my bed, the mattress forming to my body, being back into my younger self was a new feeling, as if I had unlocked something in myself. 

I felt naive to the world again. It was strange, but it wasn't long until my eyes were drifting to the blackness letting the exhaustion wash over me. 


Okay, so I kind of disappeared. Sorry. But we are back and hopefully seeing this develop into something. I am hoping to get some more chapters out in the upcoming weeks, but I can't promise anything! 

Aha hope you all enjoy this chapter!

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